Inverse matrices are widely applied. For example, suppose you’re asked to perform matrix division in your linear algebra homework. As we said in one of previos articles about basic matrix operations, matrix division is in fact multiplication by an inverse matrix. If you are going to solve a system of equations in matrix representation you’ll also need to find inverse matrix. So let’s talk about inverse matrices and how to find them. (more…)
Why Java is the best choice
If you’re studying computer science you’ve probably already have completed a lot of programming homework, including Java, or it’s just around the corner. If you don’t, well, sure you’re also using Java codes in everyday life, not even having the faintest clue about that. Ok, let us start with some history.
Java was first introduced in 1995 year by the “Sun Microsystems” company. Java programming language is considered to be a c++ “child”. Its main advantage is that it does not “bind” itself to any operating system.
Java source code is translated to special byte code, translatable by a virtual machine on any operating system. Such languages are called cross-platform languages. Java is considered to be most popular because of it’s wide implementable and cross-platform supported. (more…)
Why gold foil is on space objects?
You could notice that many NASA photographs of spacecraft often feature items wrapped in golden foil. Obviously, it is used for insulation. But why NASA uses gold? And how does it work? As it is known, in space there is solar radiation, which affects the Earth’s atmosphere and is the main source of energy for all the processes in nature. (more…)
Calculating Determinants 4×4
Do you know what is a determinant? A determinant of a matrix is a special number which is defined only for square matrix. It can be calculated in several ways, today we’ll introduce one of them which is called Laplace expansion.
Why do we need determinants? Basically, the determinant can tell us a lot of useful things about matrix, it’s helpful when finding the inverse matrix and solving systems of linear equations (recall Cramer’s rule) and so on. (more…)
Who Can Do My Summer Homework?
In the universities, it’s common practice to give a lot of homework for the summer. No matter how difficult the study year was, tired students get even more assignments to do in summer. Obviously, not everyone is able to handle it. Many students think, “it would be great if I could find someone to do my homework for me”. Here’s one of our customers feedback sharing his story of successful submission of summer homework. (more…)
Basic Matrix Operations
Having difficulties with matrix problems while doing math homework? In such situation it’s a great idea to ask your math tutor for help because any misunderstanding at the start can result in greater problems at your midterm and final. Yet another great idea is to go through tutorials on the topic to straighten your knowledge on the matter. We prepared the series of articles and video tutorials covering basic concepts, also we considered several examples on matrices, similar to those in your homework, more serious assignments and exam tasks. We’ll explain how matrices are used in general, which operations are allowed to perform with matrices and how to calculate the determinants. Let’s get started. (more…)
Doing your homework statistics
Dear Friends!
We love our job and do it better and better. Helping you to do assignments and homework is very important for us. First of all, we monitor the quality of our work and it is a feature of our company. We are fully aware that failed or incomplete assignment leads to undesired troubles for our customers. We know how important it is for you.
Recently we analyzed our work and obtained interesting data based on statistics. Perhaps these results will be interesting for you too.
We monitor the quality of the completed assignments daily, and in recent months we have achieved incredible results: more than 99% homework is done perfectly.
This statistics has amazed even us. (more…)