
Penalty for Copying Someone’s Homework

Penalty for copying someone's homework

Decent students will say cheating is bad and not something you ought to do. Teachers will give you F if there’s evidence that your homework is copied or you cheated at the test. However, sometimes it’s just not possible to do all homework assignments by yourself or you lack time to prepare for test, or whatever, you name it. According to modern surveys, up to 73% of students say they cheated at least once during last 12 month. Of course, no one wants to get caught, but what if it happens? Often students are asking questions like: “Is it against the law to copy homework?” (more…)

Filed under Homework Help.

What is the Future of Books?

What is a future of a book?

The richest literature heritage is already digitized and has free access. Hundreds of online libraries reckon that information must be free or at least easy to find. Practically each individual is able to possess literary artifacts of any historical age on his or her PC (with handy navigation system and keyword search so as not to confuse legend of Beowulf with the legend of Beograd or something). Atomic age transfered into the Digital era. (more…)

Filed under News.

Operations with Complex Numbers

Operations with complex numbers

In the previous section we’ve discussed complex numbers, considered how the concept arose and have given some basic ideas about how to deal with this stuff. In this section we’re going to consider how to perform basic operations with complex numbers. This time we’ll go through every detail and show several examples. We’ll start with addition. (more…)

Filed under Math.

Let Me Copy Your Homework?

Can I copy your homework?

– Can I borrow your homework?

– Let me copy your homework.

– Hey man, can I see your HW?

Are there any other options of how those cheaters try to steal your assignment, your grade, and a piece of your knowledge? Dozens. And what is your response each time? Well, go the hell away, you’re welcome! What happens to your dignity and courage each time? And you for sure want to know how to handle those frequent requests. (more…)

Filed under Education.

Why Letters on Keyboard are not in Alphabetical Order?

Why letters are not in alphabetical order?

Have you ever wondered why the letters on any keyboard (of your PC, tablet or laptop) aren’t situated in alphabetical order? The location of letters goes back to 19th century typewriter. The principle of its work is very simple. When you push the button with the letter, it activates a small type lever with a cast matrix of this letter on its top. This type lever hits the ribbon soaked with ink, which occupies the position between lever and paper. This is how we get the print. While typing a text, levers hit the paper one by one. (more…)

Filed under Engineering.

What are Complex Numbers?

What are complex numbers

Do you know what is complex number? Or probably you’ve heard about imaginary unit? How did mathematicians happen to create them and what for? If you ever take a course of complex analysis you already know the answer. If you don’t, it’s not a problem either as getting the basics of complex numbers doesn’t require you to be a math master, school course is nearly enough. Historically the concept of complex numbers arose from the problem of solving quadratic equations. (more…)

Filed under Math.

Cheating at College

Cheating at College

No matter whether or not you have ever cheated at college, you’ve at least thought about it for sure. 73% of students admit cheating on written work one or more times annually. Thus, not many people prefer to fail with honor than to win by cheating. It has become an integral surviving factor for modern student: a real cheating industry has been developed with all those gadgets and techniques. However, teachers got it and designed strategies to deal with dishonesty at classes. But don’t bite your nails, we’ll give you some must-do and must-not-do so that nobody would suspect you like the other poor guys. (more…)

Filed under College Life, Education.