
Science of Snowflakes

Science of Snowflakes

You’ve probably ever observed snowflakes. Even with the naked eye you can notice  that none of them ever repeats another. In one cubic meter of snow there are approximately  350 million snowflakes, and each of them is unique. How’s that possible? To answer that question let’s consider the physics of snowflake formation. It’s interesting, that you can not have a pentagonal or heptagonal snowflake, they all have strictly hexagonal shape. (more…)

Filed under Physics.

College Christmas Gifts for Geeks

Christmas gifts for geeks

Wait do you hear that? Is that Ho ho ho from Santa? (or from the teacher setting your finals?) Anyway, you’re probably decorating your dorm right now or taking a shopping walk in anticipation of Christmas. There are a lot of things for students to do on holidays, and little time to get prepared because of finals. Probably you won’t argue that Christmas tree is a must-have. If you still don’t have one, pick one of our geeky tree ideas. Another thing is gifts. And that’s something to think about! Check our list of best Christmas gifts for geeks and pick some ideas for your friends and family.


Filed under College Life, News.

Tesla Coils, Cans, Bottles and Other Ideas for College Christmas Tree

College Christmas decorations

Christmas is around the corner and everyone is thinking about presents and decorations (unless you still have finals to pass..). Traditional glass ornaments and laces are adorable; however, if you’re bored with this stuff (or simply don’t have any at the dorm), you can create decorations for college in modern way, using almost everything, the only limitation is your imagination. Some science lovers cannot go without science even on holidays and thus yield sometimes strange, or even crazy ideas and hand-made implementations. We don’t recommend you to construct the foregoing stuff at home, as without understanding of physics and proper safety arrangements this could turn into troubles. If you are not a physics lover, proceed to other ideas for Christmas trees in this article. So look! (more…)

Filed under College Life, Engineering, Physics.

Is the Whole Genome Sequencing Possible?

Genome sequencingAccording to Gattaca film in future we will be able to do the whole genome sequencing of in vitro (outside the body) conceived baby, in order to easily determine disease risk and give birth to healthy baby. What is the nowadays reality and what is just a science fiction?  (more…)

Filed under Biology.

What Do Bulls and Bears Mean in Stock Market?

Bulls and bears

Do you know who are bulls and bears? Of course, this is not about zoology 🙂 Speaking of economics and financial markets, bulls and bears – these personages have become classics – represent the two major market forces, buyers and sellers. Initially, such a comparison was used on the stock exchanges, but later it made its way in respect of any other participants in financial markets.


Filed under Economics.

Last Minute Preparation to Finals

Last Minute Preparation to Finals

When Christmas trucks appear on silver screen letting us know that “Holidays are coming”, we hurry outside to play snowballs and buy gifts since the most cheerful and joyous time of the year has officially started and nothing can stop us. Nothing, except… finals. Acid looking students are rather poor show, however, exam tradition hasn’t been canceled yet, so we have to put up with it. Here we are to give some hints and don’t worry we won’t advise you that simple truth about time-management and stuff written in each every article within this topic.


Filed under College Life.