
How to Construct Taylor Series for Exponential and Logarithm

Recently we’ve discussed what Taylor series is (check our article for more information). In practice, it’s useful to know certain expansions of elementary functions. It’s like a table of derivatives or integrals. If you have it, you’re saving your time in calculations. The case of particular interest is the expansion of function in the vicinity of x=0. Such series is called MacLaurin expansion, and that’s what we’re going to consider for the cases of some common functions. Maclaurin series of elementary functions is widely used and appears frequently in math tasks, so today we’ll obtain it for exponential and logarithmic functions. (more…)

Filed under Math.

How to Take College Notes Effectively

How to Take College Notes Effectively

Academic success depends on your grades, which depend on your knowledge, which depends on your ability to learn, which depends on how you listen and take notes. The latter is basically the first we have to study at school, however even at college it appears that not everyone is aware of how to do it correctly. And teachers are not to be blamed for your messy notebook, everything lays in organization. This word is not as toothy as it seems to be, let’s explore how it can come in handy. (more…)

Filed under Writing.

How Important is Homework ?

How important is homework?

What’s more important – to do your homework or to sleep? Probably every person said or thought “I hate homework” at least once. Even if you are a diligent student and strive to get all knowledge offered, doing almost every task and successfully completing all tests. This feeling of despair is inevitable and hardly avoidable at times of assignment overloads and especially during the finals week. The next question naturally arises – is all this homework business necessary, is it as important as teachers are trying to present? Practicing in class often seems quite enough, and the fact that most tasks are routine and thus boring adds fuel to the fire. Do we need homework?


Filed under Homework Help.

How to Edit and Proofread Your College Essay

How to Edit and Proofread Your College Essay

You have your essay completed (no matter by you or not), bet you now know that stuff from A to Z. But what if each time teacher finds more and more mistakes in your works? ‘What’s wrong with me’, you ask ‘is this my bad luck or lack of talent?’ Don’t you think that it can happen simply due to weak proofreading and editing? Nobody wants to do it, but proper essay will bring proper result. Anyway, here we come to give you some editing tips. Whether you like them or not, you can choose quick or advanced way to proofread it to make sure it can be fun. (more…)

Filed under Writing.

What is Taylor Series

What is Taylor Series

Suppose you need to calculate \sin{138} and don’t have a calculator at hand. How’d you do that? The way out is to approximate your function with something more convenient to work with, for example, polynomials: x, x^2, x^3 and so on. In this section, we’re going to discuss Taylor series which is an expansion of function into infinite sum of power functions. The series is called in honor of English mathematician Brook Taylor, though it was known before Taylor’s works. Taylor series is applied for approximation of function by polynomials. Such approach allows to replace initial more or less complicated function with the sum of simpler ones. Let’s get started. (more…)

Filed under Math.

Why Snow is White

Shy snow is white

Most often, the question “why is the snow white” is asked by children, yet not all adults know the answer as well. Why it’s white and not red, green or whatever? Moreover, there’s one more question concerning snow. Why is the ice transparent while the snow is white? The answer to both of these questions is connected with two things: the very notion of color and the structure of snow and ice. We’ll start with the first problem. Let’s explain it from physics perspective. (more…)

Filed under Physics.

How Assignment Expert Helped Students Doing Their Homework in 2014

How Assignment Expert helped students doing their homework in 2014

It’s time to summarize the results of our work through the last year. The key value of all our activities is the percent of homework assignments successfully done and we totally understand the crucial importance and responsibility in handling tasks of our customers. What can be worse than badly produced, damaged or incompletely equipped product you buy? A joy of purchase spares place to frustration and desire to receive a refund immediately.

This is fully applicable to homework service and gets even worse as often you are not allowed to resubmit the assignment or pass the test one more time. That’s why we constantly monitor our performance to minimize the risks of failing the task and thus upsetting and losing trust of our customers. We implicate various techniques of improving the quality of the work done, delivery and customer support service. (more…)

Filed under Homework Help, News.