
Is it Possible to Make a Love Potion?

Is it Possible to Make a Love Potion ?

According to the latest studies by scientists at Syracuse University, love at first sight is absolutely possible. In addition, 1.5 second is enough for molecular entity to get to the brain and fuel euphoria in it. At the same time, 12 different parts of your brain get activated, what causes high blood pressure and chemical rush. Besides, same happens when one takes drugs. So, do these feelings appear to be nothing else but only a chemical reaction? Then can we evoke love in somebody else artificially? Let’s take it closer. (more…)

Filed under Chemistry.

Can my Mobile Cook an Egg? Hardly ever!

Egg on mobile phone

Although all representatives of modern technologies have more advantages than negative sides, you have to mind the implicit harm they emit. Just imagine how much it matters if two smarties can  cook an egg (according to this article). Wanna your brain scramble?.. Yup, take your mom away from the screen as she’ll definitely take away your phone. But wait, is it reality or just a trick? Here we’re going to destroy this myth made up by amateurs. Our team of experts has conducted a research for those guys who enjoy daily talking on the phone. Simple calculations we’re going to show will convince you of the fact that your gadget is not that harmful.  (more…)

Filed under Engineering, Physics.

How to Improve Your Handwriting

How to Improve Your Handwriting

Quill as a writing instrument enabling people to cover paper with beautiful letters stopped capturing the world in 18th century. It happened when a man keen on penmanship came up with the idea of ‘metal quill’ and created a pen point. However, he failed to add the small split, so it splashed the ink all around. After this split was introduced some years later, cursive became more accurate. And finally handwriting has acquired its reputation of thin, spotless and quick craft owing to the invention of ball-point. So, today we have dozen of pens in our bag, but we can hardly demonstrate perfect writing skills, we’d rather say ‘my handwriting is awful, let me type this for you’. What happened to us? Let’s now look at history of handwriting to learn lots of interesting. (more…)

Filed under History, Writing.

Find Probability of 64th Head in 99th Toss of Fair Coin

Let’s discuss how to find probability using multiplication rule and classical definition of probability. Consider the following problem. Suppose we’re asked to find a probability of obtaining 64^{th} head in the 99^{th} toss of fair coin. At the first glance the problem seems rather complicated, doesn’t it? Analyze carefully this question. In fact, we can divide the problem into two stages (more…)

Filed under Math.

Constructing Taylor series for Sine and Cosine

Constructing Taylor series for Sine and Cosine

Taylor series is used for approximation of functions. Check our article about Taylor series if you need more details. As you know, often general formula is not enough for solving problems. There’s no need in reinventing the bicycle each time, when you face one of common functions. More profitable way is to memorize a few expansions and use ready formulas when required. Previously we’ve considered Taylor expansions for exponential and logarithm (click here fore details). Let’s proceed and find formulas for sine and cosine.


Filed under Math.

Do Not Allow Your Homework to Make You Sick


Have you ever told your Mom like, ‘oh, I have a terrible headache, I can’t do my homework’? Did you really feel that way? Even if you sometimes lie about health problems to eschew doing your assignments, it doesn’t mean that you won’t have them in near future. It’s no longer a myth about students suffering physically while doing homework. But here we come to teach you what the major dangers are and how to manage studying process to reduce harm for your health. (more…)

Filed under Homework Help.

How Planes Fly

Do you know how the planes fly? The physics of this process is the subject of our article. Of course, a plane is rather complex object and getting it in the air takes a bit of “rocket science” involved; thus, we should start with something simpler. Everybody knows how draft slaps doors. Sharp bangs happen when a fast flow of air goes through the door gap. This phenomenon is explained by Bernoulli’s principle, which is represented in liquids and gases. (more…)

Filed under Engineering, Physics.