
Have Fun Training Your Brain

How to train your brain?

The modern mathematicians constantly force the brain to come up with the new solutions and ideas, being in a constantly brainstormed condition. Same as body, the brain needs training. Development and strengthening of such skills as attention, memory, logic and quick thinking is vital to stay in good intellectual form. In recent years, there has been formed a separate niche of Internet projects, which are designed to develop or disclose people’s ability. There are hundreds of thousands of applications and here we’re going to talk about them. (more…)

Filed under Education, Homework Help.

Speakers and Water Experiment – Easy Explanation

Speakers and Water Experiment - Easy Explanation

Each of us hears the sound from the speakers every day multiple times without even paying attention to it: in a café or pub, in the gym or in transport, at home, etc. But how often do you think of how the speakers actually work? Did you know that their sound can control the element of water? Let’s see what tricks you can perform with the water flow and consider some other features of the speakers. (more…)

Filed under Physics.

How Do Cats See In The Dark?

How Do Cats See in the Dark?

Everyone knows that cats prefer night activities due to their ability to see in the dark. But how can they do this? Are they supernatural animals or do they use special night vision devices? Actually, they have special adaptations for night walk and hunting. that’s OK, but recently, a boy with cat’s night vision abilities was found in China. Does this boy have the same vision adaptations as cats (so, can people have same features?) or is it just a nature trick? Let’s now try to see the world as cats do. (more…)

Filed under Biology.

What If to Fold a Paper 100 Times?

What If to Fold a Paper 100 Times?

There is a myth that you cannot fold a piece of paper in half more than eight times. Check it yourself and you’ll see. In fact, the current record belongs to Britney Gallivan who managed to fold paper 12 times (actually, it was toilet paper, so that’s her secret of success). How does this happen that we cannot fold a sheet of paper more times? Anyway, we’ve decided to deal with this controversial question and made some interesting calculations.


Filed under Math.

PhotoMath App Is a Step towards Homework Machine?

PhotoMath - Homework Solver

Probably, almost every student ever dreamed of a tool instantly solving math homework. Add to that the fact, that not seldom math is called the most tricky of all subjects. Now imagine you own a calculator which is able to do every math task instead of you, sounds good, eh? Half a year ago MicroBlink presented an application PhotoMath on iPhones, which can recognize mathematical tasks and solve them instantly also providing step-by-step solution, and now it is available on Android Play Market also. Creators of PhotoMath claim it to be the first сamera calculator. (more…)

Filed under Homework Help, Math.

6 Years Of Expert Help

Assignment Expert 6
It’s been 6 years since we started to help students from all over the world with their homework. Within this time, our service has turned into a complex mechanism and now it continues to thrive. Nowadays, a sea of raised hands of our experts are ready to assist students with math, physics, engineering, programming, writing and other complicated subjects online. However, only in 2009, everything started with a couple of experts in programming, math, and physics. (more…)

Filed under Homework Help, News.

Condensing Logarithmic Expressions

Condensing Logarithmic Expressions

If you’re dealing with logarithms, which is not a rare case when you take math classes, the important task is to simplify given expression, reduce number of logarithms, etc. Let’s consider the following problem. We’re required to condense the following expression into single logarithm: \ln{26}-\ln{23}+2\ln{\sqrt{28}} (more…)

Filed under Math.