
How Math Is Used in 3D Computer Graphic


Most high school students are afraid of math lessons wondering whether they can ever use the acquired knowledge in the real life. Today, when so many calculations are carried out by computers, algebra and geometry find good realization in 3D graphics industry. And if you still don’t know how why math is so useful for 3D graphics, this article is for you. (more…)

Filed under Math.

What Is The Longest English Word?

What Is The Longest English Word?

When you’re asked which English word is the longest, some chemical terms immediately come to your mind. No wonder, but they are not even truly English. Thus, this at first sight simple question turns out to be a hectic Google search with different pages giving different information. But what word has the biggest number of letters officially? Let’s find out. (more…)

Filed under Writing.

Useful Resources For Studying Chemistry Easy

Useful Resources For Studying Chemistry Easy

Chemistry is a complex science describing the structure of our world – from tiny electrons to huge stars. Everyone is studying chemistry while being in a high school, college or university. Studying chemistry may give you a lot of pleasure while learning a lot of interesting things that surround you: what elements or compounds make up everything, how they interact and how this knowledge is used in modern technologies or medicine. But the process of studying chemistry requires a lot of time, effort and good educational resources. There are a lot of websites that can help you ease your learning: books, tutorials and even virtual chemistry labs. Here is a brief review of several helpful resources. (more…)

Filed under Chemistry.

What If I Have a Bad Teacher?

What If I Have a Bad Teacher?

When you get too complicated homework, who do you blame? When you fail a test who is the first person you get mad at? When you don’t have free time on your weekend, what is the main object of your hatred? Yeap, poor teacher, nobody else. But are all the teachers really responsible for your bad mood and spoilt rest? (more…)

Filed under College Life, Education.

Computer Simulations: How To Simulate A Simple TV Game Using Python

Computer Simulations: How To Simulate A Simple TV Game Using Python

Computer simulations play an important role in many scientific and engineering problems. Depending on the given tasks, different methods are used: someone needs to solve complicated systems of equations which cannot be solved analytically, other perform numerous computations to get enough statistics without real-life experiments. The first mentioned group of tasks is often related to calculations on electric and electronic devices while the latter is often related to the statistics problems (a lot of problems in economy, thermodynamics, etc.). In this article, we discuss an example of how a simple analysis can be performed by the accumulation of the enough number of random events. (more…)

Filed under Programming.

How many times a day do you use RFID technology?


Each of us at least a few times per week uses a smart card in transport, a typical power door locker or, so-called, transponder, for an office door or a car. These devices can be considered an essence of the era of radio technologies. Let us speak how they work and where the corresponding technology is used also. (more…)

Filed under Engineering.

How To Write A Persuasive Essay

How To Write A Persuasive Essay

When you’re asked to write a persuasive essay (or in other words, an opinion essay) you have to identify for yourself what it should look like and what it is aimed at delivering to the reader. To assuage your doubts about that, we are here to tell you about the structure of the persuasive essay, tips on how to plan it and give some other useful hints that may come in handy in any writing. (more…)

Filed under Writing.