
How to Use Chemistry for Christmas Decorations?

How to Use Chemistry for Christmas Decorations?

Christmas is a time of bright colorful gifts, fun and positive emotions. It is a time when you don’t want to think about studying and boring lessons. However, let’s recollect some chemistry bases this Christmas. Why? Artificial snow, crystal snowflakes, snow globe, non-fading Christmas tree, interesting handmade gifts and bright colorful decorations. All these you can make using chemistry, its secrets and magic. If you want to amaze your friend and relatives read the article and let’s do winter science. (more…)

Filed under Chemistry.

How to Improve Your Mental Math Calculation

How to Improve Your Mental Math Calculation

Humanity has always wished to make the life easier. Initially, people invented the abacus (primitive counting board) for easy calculations, then there was a calculator, next appeared some huge calculating machines and finally have come the computers. Now, almost any gadget has a calculator and all the complex calculations are performed with the help of the built-in functions of the textual and spreadsheet editors. (more…)

Filed under Math.

How to Concentrate on Homework

How To Focus On Homework

You’re almost in the middle of your studying year, but you still can’t concentrate on your homework. And you know perfectly well that if you don’t, chances are you may fail. But wait, what’s going on? Even a white wall distracts you from studying and seems more interesting than a course book. Is there a way to become self-disciplined for a while? Yes, there is and we’re going to help you with that. (more…)

Filed under College Life, Homework Help.

What Is Catastrophe From Math Point of View

What Is Catastrophe From Math Point of View

Recently, the term “catastrophe” started to appear not only in the newspaper articles and TV news but also in… mathematics! The first signs of the catastrophe theory emerged in the early 70s and provoked a revolution in mathematics. This achievement is only comparable to the invention of integral and differential calculus. While Newton’s theory allows investigating smooth, continuous processes, catastrophe theory provides a universal “recipe” for the study of abrupt transitions, ruptures and sudden qualitative changes. (more…)

Filed under Math.

How To Write Biology Lab Report

How To Write Biology Lab Report

Very often laboratory reports are boring and exhausting. It seems so useless to spend much time writing what has been done in the lab experiment. But this is a good chance for practicing your spelling and analytical skills. It can be really simple if you follow general steps and logic. Read the article and learn how to write report quickly and easy. It will show you the main rules of writing good biology lab report: parts and steps, some common mistakes, and easy techniques. (more…)

Filed under Biology.

Last Minute DIY Halloween Ideas For Students

Last Minute DIY Halloween Ideas For Students

Hurry up, celebration is coming! You’ve already prepared your terrible costume for the party but how about the decorations? Are you ready to shake the ghost into your friends so that they wouldn’t ever return to your place? Don’t tell us that you don’t have time and money for that, we’ll show you how to make bloodcurdling designs by yourself.  Take some handy stuff and let’s get started. (more…)

Filed under College Life.

Can We Achieve Thermonuclear Fusion In Near Future?

Can We Achieve Thermonuclear Fusion In Near Future?

Today, we clearly understand that the assimilated sources of energy (coal, oil, gas, for example) will soon be depleted. The nuclear power stations can provide us with energy for hundreds of years, but they have a serious disadvantage – a huge amount of radioactive waste with a long half-life that remains during its work. That’s why we try to find the alternative sources of energy and the most promising of them is the controlled thermonuclear fusion. (more…)

Filed under Physics.