
How To Make Fake Snow In Summer

How To Make Fake Snow In Summer

Skiing is a good idea to have a good time, especially, in the dead of winter, when a lot of people go to the ski resorts all over the world. But what to do, if the mother nature doesn’t provide us with enough amount of snow to have fun in summer? Or it actually doesn’t bring snow at all. Well, to make an artificial snow, we can use a snow-making equipment, and here we’re going to tell you how it works and disclose the secret of difference between the natural snow and the artificial one. (more…)

Filed under Physics.

Easy Explanation of Basis

Easy Explanation of Basis

Quite often students have some problems with understanding the concept of the vector space basis, the linear dependence and linear independence of the vectors. In this article, we’ll try to explain these terms through simple things and examples. If you still don’t know what the vector is or don’t know how to do simple operations with vectors we offer you to watch our introductory video tutorial and then continue reading this article. (more…)

Filed under Math.

Influence of Taxation on Supply and Demand

Influence of Taxation on Supply and Demand

It’s not a surprise that many students have difficulties with the notions of demand and supply. Let’s say, your instructor asks you to plot the demand and supply curves and tell how the increase of taxation affects demand and supply. And what comes to your mind? If nothing really useful, this article will shed light upon these issues. Here, we tell you about how to plot the demand and supply curves and how to correctly analyze them. (more…)

Filed under Economics.

Legendre Transformation and Hamiltonian Formalism

Legendre Transformation and Hamiltonian Formalism

We all know that there are some famous mathematical operations playing an important role in many fields of physics (and besides not only in physics). Knowledge of such common things allows understanding of relations between different phenomena and sometimes even opens new views on physics in general. One of such, Legendre transformation (that is Adrien-Marie Legendre’s who is on the right side) and its role in Hamiltonian mechanics (by William Rowan Hamilton, a gentleman on the left side) is to be the topic of our today’s discussion. (more…)

Filed under Physics.

Is Assignment Expert Legit?

Is Assignment Expert Legit?

At least once per life, each of us desperately wishes to put his or her duties on somebody else’s shoulders due to the lack of time or desire to complete any matter. And no wonder – laziness is an engine for progress, which enabled humanity to invent robots, mobile phones and washing machines so as to make their lives easier. But what if it touches not only daily routine but an academic life? Can students also simplify their college life by asking for help, is it even legal? Let’s try to find an answer to this and some other questions. (more…)

Filed under Homework Help.

Useful Memory Technique For Math

Useful Memory Technique For MathSolving math problem, especially in the high school, requires using a wide variety of theorems, lemmas, their corollaries. However, quite often students face misunderstandings during the math lectures, which bring troubles with solving these practical exercises.  But how to remember all the math stuff? Here we’ll offer you one of the methods. This interesting and useful technique deals with the association of the difficult problems with the simple things. (more…)

Filed under Math.

How to Use Smart Pointers in C++

Catching Memory Allocation Bugs How to Use Smart Pointers in C++

One of the major strengths and weaknesses of both C and C++ are pointers. You can forget to allocate or free memory in the relevant place and program will work perfectly except for unexpected crashes during the most inconvenient time. Modern C++ (standard 2011) has some tricks to help save time and energy during the development process. (more…)

Filed under Programming.