
Get Mentally Prepared for a New Academic Year

Back to school

Over the whole school, college and university life of an average student, there has never been and will hardly be a day without at least a little mental stress. The end-of-summer-vacation discomfort is a tough challenge for many these days. A lot of stressors, however, can be prevented or minimized in different ways before the beginning of a new academic year to start it with ease. And most of them are surprisingly simple even when there’s only a week before school. (more…)

Filed under College Life, Education.

Is It Possible to Do Summer Homework in One Day?

All homework in one day

August says hello and from now on, with every passing day of your summer fun, your unfinished homework is becoming a bigger problem. And if earlier you were looking for how to spend 15 minutes per day on homework, now that might not help. However, there are some ways to deal with it regardless of the lack of time left before the beginning of the next academic year. (more…)

Filed under Homework Help.

The Best Programming Language: Python on the Rise

Python on the rise

In today’s modern world of endless data and ground-breaking technology, it is important to stay in the know. Keeping up with the latest technological trends is important and one of the fastest evolving technological fields is computer programming, which is also becoming more and more popular as a discipline in colleges and universities. (more…)

Filed under Programming.

How to Write an A-Grade Book Review

A-Grade Book Review

It’s natural to find a book review among all those college summer assignments, especially considering the variety of readings a student has to cope with. A book review is a rather practical task, which not only develops your worldview but may also come in handy when after some time you want to refresh what a certain book is about. However, there’s a bad thing about book reviews, too: not all of us know how to properly write them. And here we come for help with several steps to follow to get it done. (more…)

Filed under Writing.

How to Minimize Time Spent on Homework in Summer

Do homework at summer

It’s been many years since the necessity of the summer homework packet was first questioned but nothing has actually changed about that for students. Some persistently defend student’s rights to have rest whereas others take the opposing position stating that children will end up with a knowledge loss if they are not given homework at all. (more…)

Filed under College Life, Homework Help.

How to Combine Homework and Summer Vacation

Summer homework problems

What do you personally associate summer with? Sunny beaches, lots of free time, family gatherings and parties with friends, gardening, hobby time, learning new skills, and… homework, anyone? We doubt if these two ever go along together in your projection. However, homework remains an essential part of summer break, which a student can’t escape. But let’s look at some ways of combining homework and recreation that can make your academic strain easier to overcome. (more…)

Filed under Homework Help.

10 Best Summer Camps in the US

Best Summer Camp in USA 2018

If there’s anything that excites kids and teenagers more than school vacation, it’s going to a summer camp. This marks the time of year when they can engage in outdoor activities, try out new sports, and make new friends—all while honing their life skills.

Nothing compares to a full day of activities that leave the participants feeling exhausted yet looking forward to the next day for more. While the old summer camps focused on the basics such as ceramics, hiking, and archery, many of the summer camps today offer a wider range of activities. Some even focus on one specific activity such as acting or marine biology. Surely, there’s a great summer camp out there for everybody. (more…)

Filed under College Life.