
How to Write an Analytical Essay

Analytical essay writing

Academia requires plenty of critical thinking and original ideas in order for learners to share their knowledge. Essay writing is a way for educators to know if their students have critically thought of topics and ideas during a course. Instead of taking a test, they have a writing assessment. Writing is a sharpened version of thoughts; they are well-defined and focused expressions that develop your own original idea. This is why essays are a great judgement of knowledge. (more…)

Filed under Homework Help, Writing.

How to Motivate Yourself to Study?

Having the freedom to do whatever you want to and whenever you want to is liberating. But just as anyone else, we have responsibilities to take care of in our daily lives. Students especially have tons of things that need constant attention and it’s not so easy to juggle everything at once like school work, exams, work, social life, finances, and family.

But we understand priorities and it leads us to put homework and exams at the top of the list, as much as we don’t feel like doing it. So how do we decide whether to binge-watch Game of Thrones or open your textbook and study for your mid-term? (more…)

Filed under College Life, Education.

Assignment Expert X 

It’s a great pleasure for us to share this special time of our 10th anniversary with both our loyal customers and those who haven’t heard about us yet but are reading this article. This is because over this decade we’ve earned a great experience and have many things to boast. Over 10 years of work, we’ve delivered 75027 assignments, 72203 of which were successful, and in 47726, the customers requested the detailed explanations, using the special service of our company. Only 2824 (3.9% of the whole number) tasks had problems through our fault, which is why the clients received a justified compensation or a discount. We try to constantly improve the service to reduce problematic tasks and today they make less than 2%. (more…)

Filed under Homework Help, News.

Why College Is Making Me Depressed and What Can I Do About It?

Сollege depression

College depression is a rising problem among students. Psychologists believe that this widespread issue is often the reason for many students committing suicide. Thousands of students every year go through this phase where they feel lonely, sad, anxious, isolated, and overwhelmed all at the same. Although the reasons may be different, mental health experts think that it has mostly to do with the fear that they would not fare well in their exams and would not get a good job after leaving school. (more…)

Filed under College Life.

6 Types of Students Teachers Don’t Like

students type teachers dont like

Anyone who has attended school will agree that teachers often show preference over certain students for one reason or another. It is not that the teacher is biased with anyone; it’s just that the teacher does not like the way some of the student’s study or pay attention in class.  (more…)

Filed under College Life.

How Students Can Cheat on Homework Legally

Homework cheating

Many students have tried cheating in school in one way or another. During exams, it’s common for students to pass notes, write down the answers in a small piece of paper, or use codes to give answers to their neighbors. One can argue that cheating is more prevalent when doing assignments. Since there will be no prying answers from the teachers, students feel free to help one another, with some blatantly copying homework from a groupmates to avoid exerting any effort on research. This practice should be frowned upon, but there are ways in which students can legally cheat on their homework. (more…)

Filed under Homework Help.

The Ultimate Solution to Incomplete Homework and Skipped Classes

Students skip classes

High school and college can turn out to be a nightmare if you are not paying attention in class. You miss a couple of classes and you have no idea what is being taught and how it is linked with the syllabus. There are students who try to manage their college and a part-time job at the same time that they tend to miss many of the classes and that starts to create a gap in their student life. You will miss a lot of homework and that can be a big problem because if you are not able to submit your assignments on time, you will be marked down and that can hamper your grades to a great extent. (more…)

Filed under Homework Help.