Modern Education: Is There Only Truth?

XXI century is the age of information. Education here is the main criterion. Higher education is fashionable, prestigious, and profitable. To be higher educated means to keep up with the times.

As technology improves the system of tourist business, medicine, the media and other areas of human activity, certainly the education system is improved. Consequently, we are improving!

However, spending time in the audience, you can hear a lot of interesting things. So here are some myths that are diluted lives of students:

Myth 1: The University does not require homeworks.

That’s really not true – it requires and a lot. For failure you won’t receive low grade immediately, of course, but during the session it will come up.

Myth 2: You can skip lectures.

Another blatant lie – to attend lectures is not just possible, but necessary. While attending lectures some form of bonuses at exams could be granted, also the preparation for exams on lectures that are more concise and sensibly, is much easier than from textbooks, for example.

Myth 3: Education is expensive, and only the very rich can send their child to a prestigious university.

Yes, indeed, education at a good university is worth some money, and sometimes it is not very small amounts, especially in the recognized schools with a positive or widespread reputation. And who said that education in such institutions should be free or cheap? In any case, there are always alternatives.

Myth 4. The task of the university is to prepare scientists.

“All professions are needed, all professions are important.” The world needs professionals. But the degree of knowledge and responsibility in different professions are different. There are professions that require 3-4 years of training, and there are those that need to learn 5 or even 8 years.

Myth 5. University must teach everything. Its name says so.

University (from Lat. Universitas – population, community) is versatile training institutions involved in the training of specialists in many fields. I.e. University does not prepare specialists in 10 fields, but has 10 different departments, each of which trains specialists on one narrow direction.

Myth 6. Successful people, for the most part, graduated from the prestigious universities.

Many intelligent and successful people were really able to enter and graduated from various universities. Although their success – it is not so much due to the university, and in spite of. If to dig deeper on the situation it will be found out that another “successful graduate” started to work even in the second year. But at university he was constantly brainwashed and threatened to expel for absenteeism.

Myth 7. Average intelligence level of those who did not graduate from high institutions is lower than that of graduates.

The correlation between intelligence and higher education is, undoubtedly. But what is the cause and what is the consequence – is another matter. It seems to me that not the university is the cause of a great mind, and vice versa: the more intelligent you are, the greater the chance that he will enter the college “because he can, and everybody does it”.

Myth 8. Combining study and work will be impossible.

In fact, many students work in their spare time. Some work part time at the departments of the university, some – in the service sector. It is easy enough to find a job of tutor or translator. However, to pay for a study, accommodation and food you are unlikely to succeed, so you should raise funds to advance education before the work period. In foreign universities there are stringent requirements for attendance, so working for 8 hours a day and be enrolled in the University from time to time by performing tasks do not work.

Myth 9. Higher education confirms the ability of people to find information and to engage with others.

In many ways this is true. In fact, many teachers teach their students in the first place to find information, that is, to navigate in the huge data stream, not memorize everything. In this situation, a graduate degree really will be evidence that the applicant has a sufficiently high level of thought and intelligence. That is why often young professionals of not relevant professions re hired. At the same time, there are a number of professions, where the presence of profile diploma is required. For example, you cannot work as a doctor, having the marketing degree…

“Education is our passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to the people who prepare for it today.” ― Malcolm X

Filed under Homework Help.
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