Internships while Studying at University

Education is the best investment

Bill Gates

At all times, internship has been considered as an integral part of learning a profession. Indeed, in a university students receive only theoretical knowledge, which become the basis for the development of their chosen profession, but they cannot replace having a real experience. Some teachers and students tend to think of the main stages of learning as theoretical knowledge, others – practical, but none of the presented points of view is not correct. Comprehensive development of the profession and all its subtleties is possible only in case of the theory and practice combination.

Office instead of the beach – it is so agreed by many students of German universities, making plans for the summer holidays. According to the research institute TNS Forschung, 89% of German students have passed at least one internship while studying. And with a record half of young people there are 3 or more internships.

To apply for an internship abroad, you need to get additional education in a European university. Naturally this requires certain investments and not every student can afford internship and education in the latter institution. Those students, who are aware of such a prospect, save or ask for help from the parents, and are trying not just to get a diploma of graduation, but also its confirmation abroad.

Internships are divided into three types:

  1.   Internship that is paid by student without any scholarship or salary. The advantage of such internship is a degree of choice from designer to specialist of engineering industries. After training the presentation of the certificate, this allows you to apply for a job in a particular company.
  2.   Internship, for which you can get moral satisfaction and money. Such students have to choose a profession in the field of tourism, hotel or restaurant business. This allows you to travel after studying and earning money.
  3.   Also, in the UK and Ireland internship through which it is possible to combine study and work is welcomed. It also includes a degree of tourist, and then training in hotels is paid with scholarship. Students travel outside of the state because of a work or student visas. Abroad internship is supervised by experts of the highest level, who fruitfully train students, and later on the hiring such students have preference. Acquired training skills abroad will stay with you forever and will be useful in later life, in self-help and will give a lot of confidence in abilities.

There are also such internships as:

  1. Internships organized with the participation of the study centers of foreign languages.
    These internships involve passing the language course (typically 3-4 weeks), and then joined the company (unpaid) for your chosen profile. The duration of such training can be from 2 weeks to 1 year. Such internship is based on the principles of mutual trust – you are taught a new work and provide an opportunity to test the knowledge in practice, and in return you are wasting your time and carried out the work. Another option would be a combination of language course (in the morning) with the work in the firm (in the afternoon).
  2. Internships with prior training in the specialty. These programs are designed for long course (from 4 months to 2 years) to obtain certificates and diplomas in a particular specialty (business, management, marketing, information technology, tourism, hospitality, design, etc.), after which internships in the selected profile can be partially paid for up to 1 year.
  3. Hiring for a job (paid internships) in different industries. This program involves hiring young professionals in foreign companies for an internship (paid) and the exchange of experience in the following fields: business, management, marketing, engineering, architecture, hotel management and tourism. The duration of this practice can be from 12 to 18 months. Recruitment of the interested in intern company takes an average of six months, depending on the specialty of the applicant.

Thus, the abroad internship is always relevant, beneficial and effective. It gives a person a lot of opportunities and opens up great prospects in building their career. A person who has successfully passed training in foreign companies, enterprises and educational institutions, ceases more relevant to the labor market and have more opportunities to find a paying job, not only in their own country, but also abroad. Foreign internship is always welcomed in the structures and in businesses that are engaged in manufacturing, business, education, management, science, and other fields. Try to use different features get more experience and education, as miscellaneous staff is always valued more than highly specialized.

Filed under Homework Help.
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