Interactive Techniques during the Lesson

Let’s start with the fact that the adjective “interactive” is now used quite extensively. This is a trend of time, which is great-proven. The key word in the explanation of the term is involvement. With regard to education, we can clearly identify a place of interactive components – that is involvement of students into training and learning process. In fact, this method does not have something new. These active techniques were used by teachers of different schools and generations. But it is spoken today, because an interactivity of lesson became its qualitative characteristic and one of the most effective means to achieve learning goals.

Teacher on an Interactive Lesson

Of course, every subject has own features, but there are certain moments that are universal for most disciplines. In a lesson with interactive techniques the position of “lesson-giver” should be removed and a teacher-leader is the most appropriate. That is to the usual role a professional mission is added, which is to control the process and be able to see the results and performance of each student and everyone in general. It is a bit strange, because the rate of interactive lesson usually increases, and the students are more active, but a teacher’s eye is able to see and notice. No matter how it sounds, but the teacher is showman who teaches effortlessly and achieves goals as a common activity.

Interactive Techniques at Knowledge Updating Phase

The main assistant in the lesson is creativity. In other words, creativity in interactive lessons is the crucial link in the process. Homework test phase should be carried out unconventionally, students should expect the usual survey, the new form of the response will interest the guys, and it’s a good intellectual hardening – the ability to adapt to new circumstances.

During the student’s response other guys from the front row act as critics, that is, to track errors and inaccuracies. Everyone works, all counsel, representative of the row answers. Students from the second row note “advantages” as well. And the third row is working on an expansion of first student’s answer. It’s simple, but eventually the whole class is involved, all the students are active and the concentration on the question is at maximum. Needless to say that such a method encourages students to build skill answer, competently express thoughts and to be careful.

Also the next method could be surprising and interesting for the students. The teacher answers on the homework, knowing that there will be mistakes or added new information to the response. The class should notice and fix response errors, and at the same time, new facts. Effectiveness of techniques is that not only the updating of knowledge will be made, but also testing of material with those who knows it badly.

Adapt to the Student’s Interests!

Win-win situation is the analogy with popular TV shows and modern fashion designs. The simplest solution is “Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?” All new material you divided into a number of issues with the options. That is, telling one piece of material, the teacher provides the class with a test question. Students raise pre-prepared colored cards designating a particular option.

Every Student Has a Role

Give students roles. They love it at any age. Form a group of journalists who at the end of the lesson will make a report on how the 45 minutes have passed, the other students have answered and talk about lesson topic. Assign researchers, before who put a problematic issue, give the material for answers and eventually listen to their summary. Teacher’s task is to remove the passive students. They should be willing to work, not to relax and, most importantly, it should be interesting.

Small Tricks

Of course, each lesson as interactive is too much. But there are techniques that will be on hand both sides of the educational process. In some classes it is expedient to make “diary of the lesson”. In certain columns students make notes on that fit the category of “it’s fun”, “is not fully understandable”, “I would like to add”, etc.

And another trick: get active bloggers. Every lesson one student writes a blog, which is bright and full, where he correctly highlights the essence of the current lesson, talks about the lesson features, discusses and analyzes. His “post” he finishes at home and read it in the beginning of the next lesson. This is updating of knowledge and a nice tradition in the classroom, and the relationship with the realities of the time.

A lot could be said about interactive techniques, but probably, their effectiveness depends on the ability of teachers to adapt these techniques to own professional style, features of the subject and class.

Filed under Homework Help.
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