Individualization of Teaching: What are the advantages?

The modern term of “individualization of teaching” is actively used today by pedagogical community. At the same time, how often does the teacher really use techniques and methods of individualization, and most importantly, how effectively does he use this tool? Let’s try to understand.

What the individualization of teaching is?

In fact, the term is the combination of some different concepts. Thus, during individual training teacher works with only one student, and the student interacts only with the means of teaching. Of course, there are a lot of benefits of such training model: the adaptation to the individual characteristics of the student and the pace of his work is observed. In addition, the teacher knows the student’s weaknesses, gaps in knowledge; he relies on the idea of the general knowledge level of the student and his ready for school work. But in a normal school with a massive teaching, this model is rarely used.

Most teachers are interested in technology of individual approach. It is characterized by the fact that the teacher in the educational process with the group and with individual students works individually, based on their intellectual and psychological characteristics. This approach is used in practice by almost every teacher, because sometimes it is the only effective solution to the dynamics of individual teaching of students.

To summarize: the key word in this question is the individual. Teacher, interacting with the student, bases not only on his knowledge and training skills, but also on his psychological characteristics. Not only the pace of work, typical for the student, but also the qualities of the student’s personality like self-confidence, sociability or asociality are taken into account. That is, the task of the teacher is to find a “key” to each student, to create an atmosphere of goodwill in the classroom. Although it seems obvious, to achieve this is not always easy.

What are the goals of individualization of teaching?

One of the priorities of the individualization of teaching is the preservation and further development of individual student’s intellectual and personal potential. This means that students do not have to lose one’s individuality. Emphasis is placed on maintaining the unique look of the student, which is manifested in training activities, socialization, and self-development of the student.

The next goal is aimed at providing with the means of individual training – completion of a Student Curriculum. This means that the prevention of school failure by the student is carried out. Teacher defines all the points that must be further developed, he warns potential lag of student in school.

In addition, the teacher should define the zone of proximal development of the student that will direct teacher with peculiarities of preparing general education knowledge and skills.

What is the difficulty of this approach?

It’s time-consuming process to determine a plan to work with each student. Especially difficult it is for young teachers who are not so subtly feel the “soul” of lesson, not so fast can redirect its course. It really is not easy, so it is impossible to work without prompts. If it is normal standard combined lesson, the teacher in lesson plan separately marks the tasks that he gives to individual students. Or he marks the special instructions, lesson stages, in which these students should be involved at maximum. In general, the work is laborious to achieve results, the teacher takes into account all the factors that may predict the development of the training situation, and most importantly, notes and records interim results.

Practical advices

–  Do not try to grasp the immensity. As long as you’re using your pedagogical ideas on one student, others will be in the passive, so your actions should be compact and provide the general activity of the class;

–  Consult with experienced colleagues. Adapt their methods to the features of your students’ class;

–  Read specialized literature. A specific article on “Dalton Plan”, Inge Unt technology of individualized teaching, adaptive learning system, and training based on individual-oriented curriculum.

Individualization of teaching beyond the standard lesson

Techniques and methods of individualization of teaching can be used in various forms of the educational process: on excursions, activities such as competition, in campaigns, etc. Depending on the students’ age, forms of lessons become more complex. In high school, seminars, lectures, training sessions are popular, these are quite productive in terms of individualization of teaching forms of the educational process.

Do not forget that the individual approach is closely related to one of the main aspects of the study – to compare the student only with you. That is, all the successes of the student must be weighed against his past performance; the same applies to the negative dynamics in the study. This rule helps the student to be self-critical and not be afraid to be “worse than anyone”. One such fear of being humiliated in front of the whole class (and many children accept criticism like this) can develop a negative attitude with regard to education for all school years.

Thus, the realities of today dictate the value of an individual, unique personality, originality of thinking, creativity, communication, and hence individualization of teaching is particularly relevant today!

Filed under Homework Help.
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