How Exercise Improves Your Studies and Mental Health

How exercise improves your studies

Stress is something that is increasingly more common as you grow older. More responsibilities, more decision making, and more obligations seem to weigh people down and cause them to feel stressed. Students especially have to carry this burden of stress because they are still learning to deal with life and everything that comes with it. Some find ways to manage it wisely, while others still struggle mentally to deal with their stress. It’s not unusual for students to have mental breakdowns because of this stress, but there are ways to avoid and even handle your stress levels. Many studies show that exercise is a sure-fire way to improve your stress levels and ultimately your mental health.

How can exercise solve my problems?

Most people don’t realize that the key to a healthy brain isn’t just thinking positively or keeping your mind sharp. There are several chemical reactions in your body that can help relax, give you energy, make you focus, and even make you happy. While these don’t directly solve your personal problems, they put you in a good headspace where you are able to manage everything efficiently. Other than that, exercise can lead you to a healthier life, becoming more fit and overall feeling good. 

People who exercise regularly feel the effects quickly, their body adjusts and their mind follows suit. The key to living a healthy life is to have a balance of your mental and your physical health. This is generally how exercise solves your “problems.”

What do you mean by “exercise?”

Exercise is a very broad and general term for saying “use your body to do physical activity.” But when we mean exercise, it means exerting enough energy to make your body and your muscles work. This includes a plethora of activities, but its not limited to things like:

  • running/jogging
  • Walking
  • Cycling
  • Basketball
  • Jumping jacks
  • push-ups/sit-ups
  • weight-lifting 
  • Swimming
  • Yoga
  • Stretching

Not only do we suggest a variety of different exercises, but you don’t need to invest an entire day into this. 10-15 minutes of exercise will be enough for your brain to increase blood-flow and therefore increase your productivity, energy, and mental health. 

Will it improve my studies? 

Yes, exercise is proven to increase productivity in studying, and can help you get better grades on your homework and tests. Think of it as a warm-up for your brain. Your brain needs oxygen to function, so while you exercise, your body pumps that O2 into your body, increasing brain activity. 

This activates your brain and actually helps you remember things better, focus better, and think quicker. If you’re a student, you know how important it is to remember things; test dates, due dates, and of course, information. 

Exercise releases proteins in your brain that also help you focus and put your attention into things you are doing. Instead of multi-tasking and spreading yourself too thin, your brain can focus on what is important and you’ll use your time more efficiently. 

Exercise increases your energy levels 

Coffee usually kickstarts student’s days, they can’t function without their morning cup-o-joe. And then several times throughout the day, some rely on energy drinks or even pills and capsules to keep them awake. But this isn’t a good habit to have, as it leads to major crashing later on and does affect your health negatively. 

Instead, opt for a more natural approach. Drink water often to stay hydrated, but also exercise more regularly. Exercising for a few minutes in the morning and throughout the day keeps your energy levels high without the negative consequences of caffeine. Plus, it’s free! Students love free things, right?

Exercise can also improve your mental health 

We all know that college and university can be a pressing time. You might be starting to live on your own, you’ve got relationship issues, academic issues and financial situations. Not only that, you have the pressure of finishing school and finding a good job and living your best life. This can take a toll on your mental health. 

Depression is unfortunately common among university students to the point where lots of them can’t handle the stress so they drop out or even worse. But more and more people are becoming aware of this situation and actively trying to combat it

Some people look towards hobbies and activities to keep their mind off of these stressful things. And some people rely on regular exercise to do the same. But that is not the only benefit of exercise on your mental health.

It can release endorphins that make you feel happy and euphoric and can curve those depressive moods. A Harvard study suggests that walking 15-20 minutes a day reduces depression by 26%. 

Exercise can also relieve your anxiety. Exercise is a stress reliever, releasing all those negative ideas and positive chemicals into your body. It relieves tension in your muscles and your head, and you begin to feel more relaxed. This is important for those who spend hours a day sitting at your desk studying or on your computer staring at a screen, as it helps your body keep in shape as well. 

So, how can I incorporate exercise into my daily life?

It’s a lot easier than it sounds, the main point is discipline and motivation. People often think that exercise is time-consuming and uses a lot of energy and that you need to be athletic. All of that is false, and you can do any of these exercises at your own pace and convenience. The point is to pump your blood and get your brain moving! 

Here’s a few exercises that are easy enough to do everyday and increase your productivity. You don’t have to do them all, just ones that are easy and convenient for you to do everyday. 

  1. Walking/Jogging 15-20 minutes in the mornings/afternoons
  2. Playing a sport for 15-20 minutes 
  3. Stretching for 15-20 minutes
  4. 10 push-ups or sit-ups
  5. 20 jumping jacks
  6. Cycling for 10-15 minutes
  7. Yoga 
  8. Sleep 
  9. Walking up and down the stairs for 15-20 minutes
  10. Meditation for 10-15 minutes

There are several ways to deal with this kind of stress, and each person will handle it differently. These exercises are a quick and easy way to get your blood pumping and brain activity moving! But if this isn’t enough and you’ve got a lot of work to do, Assignment Expert can help you with your school work like homework assignments and projects!

Filed under College Life, Education.
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