Do You Know How Should Modern Lesson Look Like?

I cannot teach anybody anything; I can only make them think.


As you know, the lesson is the form of implementation of pedagogical interactions, where the student-teacher communication takes place. According to the results of lessons pedagogical skills of the teacher and the qualifications of the student are judged. Therefore the lesson is a card of each teacher. Each lesson is a complex system, all components are connected, and it is a holistic educational process. During a lesson the knowledge and boredom, captured thoughts and dangerous idleness of students can appear every minute. The value and significance of these minutes, hours, days, and years in the life of a teacher is determined by modern lesson.


The main objectives of modern education are intellectual and moral development, the formation of critical and creative thinking, ability to work with information. Feature of this data is that the student receives it not in the finished system from the teacher, but in the process of his own activity. In such situations, student acquires the ability that allows converting the original problem or obstacle to the knowledge.

Modern lesson should be built on providing students the opportunity to reflect, to compare different points of view, different positions, articulate and argue their point of view, based on their knowledge of the facts, the laws, the regulations of science, their own observations, his and others’ experience.

The problem of the lesson is always current. How to develop a lesson? What you need to know to be able to build an effective lesson?

Lesson in modern school must meet the requirements:

  1. Using the latest achievements of science, pedagogical practice of building lessons based on the laws of the educational process.
  2. Providing the conditions for productive cognitive activity of students based on their interests, inclinations and needs.
  3. Establishment of inter-subject and inter-relationships, reliance on the current level of students’ development.
  4. Motivation and enhancing of all areas of personality.
  5. Consistency and emotionality in all phases of educational activities.
  6. The effective use of teaching aids.
  7. Connection to life, personal experience of students in productive activity.
  8. Formation of learning skills, need to continually replenish the amount of knowledge.
  9. Careful diagnosis, prediction, design and planning of each lesson.

So, the teacher during the lesson is an artist and psychologist, primarily the navigator in gaining knowledge. It is impossible to make progress in addressing the challenges posed by the teacher, with no activation of cognitive activity, students’ attention, the formation and development of a sustainable interest to the studied material.

The core of any modern innovation is a real personal approach, which aims to develop own mastery trajectory for each student, corresponding to their needs, opportunities, and psychological features. And the teacher is not “over” class, but “near” to a student, he did not “manage”, but “direct”, he “observes” and “assists” in self-discovery, self-realization, self-determination of each individual person. The teacher encourages students’ “inner strengths”, recognizes their identity, individuality, promotes their self-esteem, which is the greatest motivation not only to profound learning, but also for self-development, the formation of a strong-willed, cognitive, emotional and social skills, and finally – the tutoring of confidence in their abilities and capabilities, the ability to overcome any difficulties. It is this situation creates for student success, because according to the words of Celestin Freinet: “Everyone attempts to be successful.”

Filed under Homework Help.
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