Business Training is a Waste of Money and Work Time or an Investment in the Future Success of the Company?

1In modern rapidly changing market environment, many organizations consider the increased investments in staff development as a major factor in the competition. And if the company has decided that the staff should be trained that is a sign of successfully growing organization that is ready to invest in your future. Staff development is a complex of measures, including vocational training, retraining and skills development, and career planning within the organization. Development and training system includes:

  • Professional training and development of employees, including training and development of company executives;
  • The formation of career development programs; and
  • Selection and training.

Public institutions acknowledge refresher training, private companies – business trainings. In the private business sector, only large companies can afford to hold business trainings for their employees. However, the costs of training are paid off quickly enough.

The term “training” has a range of meanings: education, preparation, practice, attitude development. However, there is no precise definition. From the point of view of different psychologists, training is the method which is able to most efficiently respond to all external and internal changes.

Types of Training, Depending on the Goals and Results

Knowledge training

Skills’ training

Motivation training

Goal Informing about the technologies, processes and models The assimilation of practical skills Formation of the position to work and company
Object Knowledge Attitudes and skills Values ​​and corporate standards
The role of training Lecturer-expert Instructor and consultant Consultant-coach
Learning outcomes Changes in knowledge New attitudes and skills Change of attitude

For the effective work of the staff it is necessary to distinguish between training and business training. The training is aimed at personal development, personal growth. Business training involves mastering business skills, their training and grinding. In foreign practice of staff training there is the rule: the organization does not pay for personal growth or psychotherapy of employees.

Business training is a short-term (from 12 hours to 4 days) interactive training aimed at the formation of specific business skills. The compressed form of informational part of the subject is given at training. For example, how an employee should respond to the client’s objections or how the leader should clearly express the essence of the job subordinates. However, the main focus is on practical guidance and training skills.

Business games with special methods and techniques are the most common forms of training. But there should be a clear distinction between what can be learned in the training and what cannot. Training can in no way substitute the special education.

The most common types of business training are:

  • Sales training;
  • Telephone sales training;
  • Management training;
  • Training of team building;
  • Training of communication;
  • Training of presentations;
  • Training of effective decision-making, etc.

The most popular type of business training is a sales training. It helps employees gain the skills to communicate with the client and identify his needs, negotiation skills (including telephone), the client’s belief in the benefits of your product. Attending by specialists such training will significantly increase the number of customers and sales, and thus the profitability of the business.

What benefits do such events bring to the company? They allow learning in a short time to consider various problems. Learners acquire the ability to navigate in non-standard situations, identify and analyze the causes of the production problems and find a solution. Trainings develop professional skills by the group method that forms the cohesion of the team and lead to concerted actions within it. As you know, the good team is that one, in which there is mutual understanding between employees.

Training process is hold on-the-job, which means all the knowledge gained in the corporate training can be tested in practice. Another benefit, which corporate training provides in general and business training in particular is that it expands the horizons not only of a person’s identity, but his inner world becomes more stable, and person learns to think positively. The cons of business trainings are their short term effect, duration (training lasts for up to three months) and the effect of training, by and large, is emotional, and consists in the use of this skill.

Businessmen all over the world always count money. At the same time, there is a statistic that says that on every invested in staff training dollar the company accounts for 3 or more dollars in profits. For example, in the U.S., leading companies spend for staff training from 2.6 to 5% of the wage costs a year.

Success in business requires training and discipline and hard work. But if you’re not frightened by these things, the opportunities are just as great today as they ever were.

David Rockefeller (US banker)

Filed under Education.
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