A Quick Way to Prepare for an Exam!

Most of the students know the unpleasant feeling when eyes just stick together, the head is as heavy as iron, and the mind simply refuses to accept the incredible amount of information that you need to learn for a few days before the exam. At this point, students tortured a painful question: “How quickly prepare for the exam?” To which they do not find an answer.


Of course, we must prepare for the exams on a regular basis during the semester, step by step. But studentship is a fun time of youth, which people does not want to spend on dreary sitting in front of the expanded book. Time for fun runs quickly; and there are only a few days before the exam. What can be done for quick preparation for the exam?

The following tips will help you to deal with the situation:

The following tips will help you to deal with the situation:

  1. The first thing to do is to relax, as strong emotions and lack of sleep greatly reduce the chance of poorly prepared students to pass the exam. Why? The answer is simple: during the preparation a major role belongs to the ability to think logically, to make correct generalizations and conclusions, and act on the situation. And these abilities (rather than memory, which is used by those who diligently and for a long time crammed the material) primarily get worse by stress or lack of sleep.
  2. Concentrate. Remove all external stimuli in the room, turn off the TV and radio, exit beloved laptop, and unplug the cable system and mobile phone. Let nothing and no one bothers you to deal with the subject, which you will pass. Only the extreme concentration of attention allows to remember the maximum amount of material.
  3. You should properly allocate the time: it is desirable at least in general terms learn information on each of the exam papers in order to be able to give a brief answer to any examination question. Exam papers are best to be alternated on complexity, for example, a tight + somewhat simpler. If there is a little more time, you can see the definition in the text (or a textbook synopsis) of unfamiliar concepts – they may be important.
  4. Use mnemonics (associative thinking). Think of what you associate with one or another date in science, for example, birthday of girlfriend or boyfriend, or some other holiday. To remember the formula, you can make a “parallel” between the letters in the formula and the words. After that, it will be easy to make from the letters the interesting or funny phrase that is very easy to remember. And on the exam it will “pop up” out of memory easily.
  5. Note that you can be asked additional questions. The main thing is to remember that they are given, as a rule, not to “overwhelm” the student, but rather to “stretch” him/her to a higher mark. This means that to draw attention to the “favorite” teacher themes, phrases and terms will be useful – awareness about them can turn the scales in your favor. Learn a little extra material on the subject. Sometimes the small interesting detail is enough to surprise the examiner. By the way, on the exams you can listen to what questions are asked in the previous answer – often the teacher asks a limited number of questions. Also, this information may assist you in preparing an answer to your own question. And just before the test (during expectation) it makes sense to ask each of your classmates to tell you their exam papers, which he or she knows best: reading anything at this time almost no one can, and you are thus able to replicate or even learn a certain amount of material. This, incidentally, is very useful for the narrator.
  6. During the exam you should stay confident and don’t show that you do not know something.
  7. To cheat or not to cheat? This question is asked by many students. To cheat makes a sense if you believe that the teacher will not notice you. If the risk is still there, it is an option for quite a desperate situation, when you cannot really remember anything for a given subject. But to do cribs helps in any case – even if they won’t be used, to remember what you have written is much easier than just read material. This is because when you make a crib, several types of memory are involved (the same reason is to read aloud – then also auditory memory acts).

Everyone in his/her life pass exams, as you see there is anything wrong with that. Imagine that after the exam you will remember all worries and fears with a laugh.

Good luck and definitely have a good rest after a hard training!

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