Consider two capacitors, one having a capacitance twice the other, in two separate electric circuits. The same potential difference is applied to it. The charge that can be accumulated on the armatures of the two Capacitors:
A. Depends on the resistance of the circuit
B. Is the same because it is independent of the capacitor
C. Is equal to half at the level of the capacitor of double capacitance
D. Is double at the level of the capacitor with double capacitance
Explanations & Calculations
"\\qquad\\qquad\n\\begin{aligned}\n\\small Q&=\\small CV_0.e^{\\frac{-t}{k}}\\to C.K........(K= constant)\\\\\n\\small Q_1&=\\small CK........(1)\\\\\n\\small Q_2 &=\\small 2CK........(2)\\\\\\\\\n&\\small (1)\/(2),\\\\\\\\\n\n\\small Q_1&=\\small \\frac{Q_2}{2}\n\\end{aligned}"
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