Let(a↓n) ↓n€B be any sequence. Show that lim↓n-->♾️ a↓n =Liff for every E>0, there exists some N€N such that n>=N implies a↓n N↓e (L)
By this we observed
To prove "\\boxed{lim\\space n\u2192\u221e \\space a^n_x = L^x}"
Solution. Let "\\epsilon"> 0. By Theorem , note that
L < (Lx+ "\\epsilon" 1/2)1/x
L > (Lx- "\\epsilon" 1/2)1/x
there exists some N such that n ≥ N
We have anx< Lx+ "\\epsilon"
anx> Lx-"\\epsilon"
This shows limn→∞ anx = Lx
."\\boxed{lim\\space n\u2192\u221e \\space a^n_x = L^x}"
we can also solve by this way
Prove that {an} is a Cauchy sequence. Solution .
First we prove by induction on n that |an+1 − an| ≤ αn−1|a2 − a1| for all ...
an < A + ε. 2. ,
and there exists N2 such that for all n>N2,
bn < B + ε. 2 . But then if N = max(N1, N2),
then for any n>N we have an + bn < A + .
..xn − 1,n ∈ N.
Show that (xn) is decreasing and bounded below by 2. Find the ... 2 + xn,n ∈ N.
Show (xn) converges and find the limit. ...
2+2 = 4,
so xn < 2 for all n ∈ N by induction
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