exact dx+(x^2y+4y)dy=0 y(4)=0
Let us solve the differential equation "dx+(x^2y+4y)dy=0,\\ y(4)=0."
Since "\\frac{\\partial (1)}{\\partial y}=0" but "\\frac{\\partial (x^2y+4y)}{\\partial x}=2xy\\ne 0," we conclude that this differential equation is not exact.
Let us solve it. For this let us divide both parts by "x^2+4." Then we have the equivalent differential equation "\\frac{dx}{x^2+4}+ydy=0." It follows that "\\int\\frac{dx}{x^2+4}+\\int ydy=C," and hence "\\frac{1}2\\arctan\\frac{x}2+\\frac{y^2}2=C."
Taking into account that "y(4)=0," we conclude that "C=\\frac{1}2\\arctan\\frac{4} 2+0=\\frac{1}2\\arctan 2."
Therefore, "\\arctan\\frac{x}2+y^2=\\arctan 2" is the solution of the differential equation "dx+(x^2y+4y)dy=0,\\ y(4)=0."
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