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{"ops":[{"insert":"The challenge\n\nIn turkey Pepsi started its summer campaign determined to boost market share by increasing sales of its multi- serve products and family packs. Pervious Turkish campaigns had successfully driven sales of single \u2013 serve units, largely through the selective targeting of young people, particularly using mobile \u2018text \u2013 to - win\u2019- style promotions. This time Pepsi wanted to focus on family size products, and that meant reaching out to the principal shopper in the household, which in Turkey meant housewives, a group less willing and eager to engage through mobile channels than the youngster Pepsi less targeted so successfully in the past.\n\nCampaign Budget\nNot disclosed, but included 27.2 million free airtime units ( FAUs) to give away as part of the campaign.\n\nTarget Audience\nThe focus of this campaign was on Turkish housewives, typically the principal shoppers in the household.\n\nAction\n\nPrevious Pepsi promotions with a younger target audience had proved that the chance of winning free mobile \u2018airtime\u2019 on promotional packs could be a very successful strategy. For this campaign the team decided to offer 10 Free Airtime units ( FAUs) as an \u2018instant win \u2018for purchasing Pepsi\u2019s family- size bottles. In addition to the free calls on offer via promotional packs, cash prizes were offered \u2013 a particularly alluring incentive given the economic backdrop against which the campaign would play out.\n\nTo really hit the mark though, the campaign would need endorsement from an opinion leader- someone who could convince Turkish housewives of the merits of the campaign, and show them how the \u2018text \u2013 to \u2013 win\u2019 mobile promotion model worked. The campaign needed to be attractive. Compelling and incredibly easy if housewives were going to participate in it.\u00a0Research suggested the most trustworthy celebrity in Turkey was Seda Sayan, widely regarded as Turkey\u2019s Oprah Winfrey. She was selected by the Pepsi team as the spokesperson for the campaign. On TV ads and her morning shows, she demonstrated how to SMS and participate in the Pepsi promotion every day.\n\nBut despite the celebrity endorsement and TV promotion, the campaign still needed to genuinely motivate housewives to engage and , crucially to share the message with other people. And that\u2019s where the innovative \u2018promo tone\u2019 comes into play. The \u2018\u2019promo tone\u2019 is a promotional ringback tone (RBT) that instantly credits the \u2018owner \u2018with free airtime when another person calls them and listens to the message. The \u2018Pepsi makes your day\u2019 campaign was the first time this kind of promotional had been used in Turkey.\n\nHere is how it worked. Participants bought a family pack of Pepsi and found the unique promotional code on the underside of the lid. They would text the code to a number on the pack and receive an interactive voice response ( IVR) call with a message from Seda Sayan congratulating them for wining 10 FAUs. This message also informed them that a special Pepsi promo tone had been assigned to their mobile for next 24 hours, winning them extra credits whenever people called their phone and listened to the message.\u00a0\n\nWhenever anyone called the participants during that 24 hours they would hear the Pepsi RBT and a message informing them that their friend has earned free mobile airtime units with Pepsi, and that they could do the same by simply texting in the code from special promotional family pack of Pepsi.\n\u2018Drinks Pepsi, text the code and you can win too! Pepsi makes your day! \u2019, it concluded. \u00a0\n\nConsumers were free to opt out of the message at any y=time . However consumers engagement was so high that the overall opt out rate of the Pepsi promo tone was just 1.3 per cent. Both the IVR\u00a0recordings and the promo tones were changed frequently throughout the campaign, keeping them fresh, maintaining the engagement and fostering word \u2013 of mouth propagation of the Pepsi promotion. On average, four different people called the participants during the day, all of them exposed to different promo tones, amplifying the viral effect of the promotion.\n\nThe campaign used several other mobile marketing tools, including w a p banners, mobile games, wallpapers and Pepsi ringtones. Turkcell\u2019s recently launched \u201cclick \u2013 to - win\u201d mobile application was also tested for the first time during the campaign.\n\nResults\n\nA total of 3.3 million unique individuals participated in the campaign, almost doubling previous promotions. Four out of every five participants were first- time participants who hadn't entered any Pepsi promotion in the past. On average, 225,000 SMS messages were received each day. Overall participation was in excess of 16.2 million messages.\n\nA total of 5.7 million people called participants with the Pepsi promo tone during the campaign, resulting in the Pepsi jingle and message being listened to more than 20 million times. IVR calls created the desired effect: 82 percent of participants didn't hang up and listened to the entire call.\nThe campaign outperformed all pervious Pepsi promotions and overreached sales targets. For the first time 63 percent of sales came from multi- serve packs and Pepsi's market share in multi- serves increased by17 percent.\nThe total cumulative market share of Pepsi increased by 5 percent.\n\u00a0\n1.\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0Your analytical comments on the planning and execution of the campaign?\n2.\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0Why do you think the campaign succeeded?\n3.\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0What lessons can you draw from the campaign?\n"}]}
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