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{"ops":[{"insert":"1) perform proper calculations and explain what happens with red blood cells after immersing it in the solution composed of 1 g of glucose (180g\/mole ) \nand 50 ml of water \n\n2 ) explain shortly if The change in glucose concentration in the human blood influences ontcotic pressure \n\n3 ) what will be the change in pH decrease or increase or no change of the water solution of ammonia during titration of this solution with HCL ? At what percentage from (0 to 100 %) , indicator used in this titration (mentioned in a point a ) will be dissociated at equivalence point in case of using methyl orange as indicator what will be the colour of the soultion at the end point of this titration ? \n\n4 ) what will be the colour of phenolphthalein in the water solution of soduim aceate ? What is the role of water according to acid base bronsted theory in the occuring reaction .\n\n5 ) a) out of Cu ,Ca, Zn,Pb ,Si ,I,N ,Ba,Fe,Mg,H,Cl\nchoose all elements from the above which ions can be detected by flame test and write what colors will be seen. In this this for choosen elements \nb) choose one element which ion can be detected by using silver nitrate explain shortly how to perform such reactions and what will be the characteristics effect \nc ) choose all macro elements of human body and write them in form of ions ; write in which body fluid (extra fluid or intracelluar ) they are higher concentration .\n\n6) perform proper calculations or answer what kind of distrubance in acid -base equilibrium occurs when concentration of H+ in the human plasama is 4.8 .10*8 mol\/dm*3 and concentration of HCO3 *-is 25mM;\n\n7 ) a)calculate pH of 0.003 mol\/dm*3 KOH solution ;\n B) calculate pH and OH-ions conc in KOH solution after two times dilution of the solution from a point a(two times dilution means that equal volumes of KOH sloution and water were mixed .\n \u2018C ) patient recieved in injection 2 ml of solution containing 30 mg of medicine.calculate percentage concentration (m\/v) of the medicine in the patients blood volume -5L \n\n8 ) explain the influence of protien in form of polyanion on the difference in pH between red blood cell and plasma \n\n9 ) a)what changes (increase or decrease or no change of freezing point ,boling point and osmotic pressure wil be observed during dilution of glucose solution .\nshortly explain .\nb) there are two kind of sols silver iodine and starch (polysaccharide ) which colloid is more susceptible for coagulation ? Explain shortly the answer \nc) what kind of colloids are protiens (hydrophilic and hydrophobic) explain your answer \n\n10 )a) write name od the reactive oxygen structure which is able to oxidize transition metals (in reactions occuring in human body ) and the name of oxygen free radical which is formed in such reactions ;which particle is more active ?\nb) GSH and GSSG full form and what is the role of glutathione redcutase in relation to these structures ?\nc) write the name of oxygen. Free radical which is formed in mitochondria of living cells also write the name of enzyme which can eliminate such radicals \n\n\n\n\n\n"}]}
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