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{"ops":[{"insert":"Textbook: Samuel Kernell, et al., The Logic of American Politics, Eighth Edition (CQ Press, 2017). ISBN: 9781506358666.\u00a0\n\n\n\n1.The powers of the bureaucracy, which if often called the \"fourth branch of government,\" are clearly outlined in the Constitution.\u00a0\n\n\n\nTrue\n\n\n\nFalse\n\n\n\n2.Name one bureaucratic agency that the text mentions.\n\n\n\n3.While Congress can influence the bureaucracy, it mainly falls under the powers of the _________________.\n\n\n\n4.Many Americans consider the bureaucracy a \"necessary evil.\" Why is the bureaucracy necessary?\n\n\n\n5.High-level officials often delegate power to bureaucratic agencies in order to avoid direct responsibility for taking specific action.\u00a0\n\n\n\nTrue\n\n\n\nFalse\n\n\n\n6.Name two reasons why the president must delegate power to the bureaucracy.\u00a0\n\n\n\n7.The power of the ___________, or control over how money is distributed, is ____________'s main check on the bureaucracy.\n\n\n\n8.The bureaucracy did not exist under the Articles of Confederation.\n\n\n\nTrue\n\n\n\nFalse\n\n\n\n9.When civil service reform was achieved, bureaucrats became appointed by the ________ system, rather than the spoils system.\n\n\n\n10.The bureaucracy is the _________ of the President, who is the principal.\n\n\n\n11.)Department-level agencies in the bureaucracy are a part of the President's ___________.\u00a0\n\n\n\n12.)Bureaucrats are not politicians. This means they are always politically neutral actors.\u00a0\n\n\n\nTrue\n\n\n\nFalse\n\n\n\n13.)The people provide a check on the bureaucracy, as they can pull a metaphorical _________ _________ when they do not feel a department or agency is acting properly.\n\n\n\n14.)Name three ways in which Congress \"keeps the bureaucracy in line.\"\u00a0\n\n\n\n15.)Most Americans have a favorable view of the bureaucracy.\n\n\n\nTrue\n\n\n\nFalse\n\n\n\n16.)Who appoints bureaucratic agents?\n\n\n\nGroup of answer choices:\n\n\n\nPresident\n\n\n\nSenate\n\n\n\nJames Madison\n\n\n\nCongress\n\n\n\nSupreme Court\n\n\n\n17.) The president always needs approval from the Senate to confirm agency appointments.\n\n\n\nTrue\n\n\n\nFalse\n\n\n\n18.)What are the three groups that make up the iron triangle of bureaucracy?\n\n\n\n19.)It is easy for the other branches of government to tell whether or not bureaucratic agencies are doing their jobs well.\u00a0\n\n\n\nTrue\n\n\n\nFalse\n\n\n\n20.)Accurately type out the final sentence of the Chapter 8 (pg. 350). Explain the quote in a sentence or two and why this statement is impactful.\n\n\n\n21.)The Constitution clearly sets up the Supreme Court (SCOTUS) as well as the state court system(s).\u00a0\n\n\n\nTrue\n\n\n\nFalse\n\n\n\n22.)Because justices are appointed to the Supreme Court, they are far removed from politics.\n\n\n\nTrue\n\n\n\nFalse\n\n\n\n23.)Article III of the Constitution outlines the power of the judiciary.\n\n\n\nTrue\n\n\n\nFalse\n\n\n\n24.)The most influential check the court's have on the other branches of government is the power of ____________ __________, which was established by the case Marbury v. Madison.\n\n\n\n25.)The framers intended for the Court to be as powerful as it has come to be.\u00a0\n\n\n\nTrue\n\n\n\nFalse\n\n\n\n26.)FDR's attempt to add justices to the Supreme Court who would favor his political views was known was the \"_________-__________ __________.\" It ultimately failed.\u00a0\n\n\n\n27.)Federal and state courts have similar structures; each has a lower court with more general jurisdiction, and appellate division, and a Supreme Court.\n\n\n\nTrue\n\n\n\nFalse\n\n\n\n28.)In order for the Supreme Court to hear a case, a party must file a ___________. The Supreme Court does not have to accept it!\n\n\n\nGroup of answer choices:\n\n\n\nJudiciary Act of 1803\n\n\n\nconstitutional claim\n\n\n\nwrit of certiorari\n\n\n\nappeal\n\n\n\nwrit of mandamus\n\n\n\n29.)The justices usually delegate work to their ________ _________, who read through cases and often draft opinions for them. (I had this job, but not for a Supreme Court justice!)\n\n\n\n30.)The Supreme Court typically hears many more cases than the lower courts do.\n\n\n\nTrue\n\n\n\nFalse\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\u00a0\n\n"}]}
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