Find the ratio of wheat consumers in kerala to punjab
Expert's answer
As per the NSSO data released in October 2008, Madhya Pradesh [9.72] is third lowest in terms of monthly per capita cereal consumption [kg.] preceding Kerala [9.37] and Punjab [9.63]. It is difficult to digest the fact that progressive and rich states like Kerala and Punjab are worser performers then Madhya Pradesh. But it is true because Kerala, being a coastal state, has fish in its food plate. Punjab also consumes non-vegetarian stuff in large quantity but Madhya Pradesh is neither a coastal state nor a non-veg consumer. Also Kerala and Punjab are considered as richer and more developed state, and studies show that wealth is also a cause of change in food behavior or change in food consumption patterns; Pizza and Chinese or packaged food are becoming main part of food plate in these states, especially in Punjab, where they have more interested in market food, but Madhya Pradesh does not contain high purchasing capacity, so low food grain consumption is a serious matter.
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