The Queerest of the Queer: Queer Tutors, Writers, and Writing in the Writing Center
Many writers who might visit their college’s writing center are struggling with their
sexual identity. Within the context of debates about the controversial issue of ‘coming out of the closet’, some theoreticians and gays argue that revealing individuals’ gayness may reinforce a heterosexual order and may lead to homophobic abuse. On the other hand, liberal gays argue that revealing individuals’ gayness may liberate them from the constraints of heterosexism. However, this decision may also lead to the danger of homophobic attacks. In order to transcend this dualism, I propose that a phenomenological/agentic approach to ‘the closet’ may contribute to a better understanding of gayness or ‘coming out’ as lived and experienced. They could be closeted, just coming out, disowned by family, or any other array of difficult circumstances. They could be from small towns, never having met a homosexual before. They could be lying to others and lying to themselves. Most of these situations were true for me as a student. While I am an out and proud gay man today, many queer students are scared to expose any portion of their hearts still now. Being closeted often feels very isolating and exhausting because such effort is required to make sure no one could suspect they were not part
of heteronormative culture. Among the privileges of a heterosexual, cisgender person is the luxury of never having to come out to anyone.These experiences formed my thoughts approaching the research of this work. The research question at the heart of my work evolved over the course of the research, but this question is closest to the heart of my work: are current best practices regarding queer issues in writing centers sufficient? Are we doing enough for our queer writers and tutors? Rather than taking on the daunting task of looking at writing centers individually, this paper aims to offer suggestions based upon research for each writing center to consider on their own.
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