2.1 Draw either a mind-map or flowchart to illustrate how you would provide assistance or support to a learner in an inclusive learning environment who experiences the following barriers to learning
2.1.1 auditory or hearing impairments (5marks)
2.1.2visual impairments (5marks)
2.1.3physical (mobility) impairments (5marks)
2.1.1 Use captions ;captions such as online video and even television provide vital access to multimedia content.
Make use of available technology like if their is interactive white boards and sound field amplification systems.
Use of visual stimulus such as providing lesson outlines and main points
Consider classroom arrangement, i will ensure the students with hearing impairment are in position where I face and where the sound is clearly visible.
Keep unnecessary noise minimum.
2.1.2 Encourage the learners to use visual aids such as glasses.
Ensure they seat infront or appropriately in classroom.
Make sure lighting is suitable.
Make the efforts to eliminate the risk of glare from the desk and white board.
2.1.3 Remove obstacles so that the student can move freely from lesson to lesson.
Encourage support for the student from classmates.
Consider physical access issues such as ramps ,toilets ,lifts and classroom.
Focusing on what they do at all times.
I will find out the child's strength and capitalize on them.
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