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Consider the numerous pseudoscientific products and ideologies currently being marketed to the public, such as magnetic therapy, therapeutic touch, and homeopathy. What are the ethical concerns with the sale of these ideas to the public? Should proponents of these various products and therapies be held accountable for any health concerns arising from the use of these products?
Attitudes toward obesity have varied widely both across and within cultures at various historical times. There is evidence that this cultural variation is giving way to an increasing “fat stigma,” even in cultures around the globe that have previously had positive values attached to larger body size. Is the spread of negative views of people who are overweight or obese a good thing or a bad thing for these cultures? Explain your answer from both a physical health and also a psychological health perspective.
Analyse a health-related behavior that are considerd unhealthy (smoking,unhealthy eating,drinking too much,not getting enough sleep,avoiding health screening.
Describe and analyse how healthy beliefs are related to this behavior busing at least one of the models(HBM).
Analysed and discuss the psychosocial,emotional,social,financial on health related behavior
Discuss the treatment that was given to individuals who were ‘abnormal’ according to the TRADITIONAL AFRICAN SETTING
Various cultures define abnormality in various ways according to the values, beliefs and norms of the cultures. discuss the causes of abnormal behaviours in the TRADITIONAL AFRICAN SETTING
1. You want to know the effects of sleep deprivation on student test marks. As part of the experiment you select a group of 10 students studying Psychology from your classroom and arrange for them to have a disruptive sleep pattern by waking the subjects up every half hour. At 8:00 a.m. they are required to complete a fifty word multiple choice test.
At the same time you selected your first 10 subjects you then select another 10 students from your classroom but ensure they receive a restful sleep prior to completing the same test.

For the above experiment/scenario, please:

i) Independent variable
ii) Dependent variable
iii) Control group
iv) Experimental group

B) List at least 2 possible confounds (i.e. third or extraneous variables) in this experiment that may bias the results (i.e. jeopardize internal validity). Because the scenario doesn’t give you a lot of information, you can be creative (while still being realistic).
Researchers tested the effect of a new intervention to help people quit smoking. Using
a pre-post design, they found a positive effect of the treatment group compared to the
wait-list control group, reporting an effect size of d = .14. How would you interpret
this finding?
a. The effect is small, and therefore not worth getting excited about.
b. The effect is small, but in the context of smoking, any treatment that helps people
stop smoking is worth trying.
c. The effect is medium, and therefore the treatment is worth trying.
d. The effect is large, because any treatment effect that helps save lives is
considered 'large
Shona is interested in women’s experiences with breast cancer, and particularly wants
to study how they perceive their medical care and how different women think their
experiences compare with others. She decides to run focus groups. This is the most
appropriate methodology because:
a. multiple views can be heard.
b. the cause for poor care can be established.
c. correlations can be found.
d. data can be collected quickly.
Thirtypeople contact her. She tells them that treatment is on a first-come first-served basis.
So, the first 15 people who make an appointment with her go into the treatment
condition; the last 15 people go into the wait list control condition [this means, they
will still get the treatment, but first they have to act as controls]. The researcher
measures everyone's level of depression at baseline; then she runs the intervention with
the treatment group; then she measures everyone's level of depression again. She finds
that the treatment has a strong significant effect; participants who experienced the
treatment reported significantly lower levels of depression afterwards compared to
those in the wait list control condition. What sort of design was this, and what methodological mistake did the researcher make?
a. Longitudinal design; no testing of participants three months after treatment.
b. Quasi-experimental design; no testing of participants three months after
In order to consider how best to work with young refugee children in relation to mental
health, you interview 12 female community leaders from Sierra Leone. One of the main
themes you note is: "food maintaining connection to cultural practices is particularly
important for mental health". Based on this theme, what action would be best for you to
consider as a next step?
a. Recommend providing culture-specific cooking classes to all children with
refugee backgrounds.
b. Advise community leaders from all backgrounds to tell schools to discuss food as
part of their curriculum.
c. Discuss this theme with a broader reference group that includes a diverse range of
refugees and stakeholders.
d. Run focus groups with mental health service providers which centre around how
to support communities to maintain cultural practices.
Mariah studies the concept of optimistic bias in the laboratory. ‘Optimistic bias’ refers
to the phenomenon where people believe that, while bad things can happen to others,
they do not happen to themselves. She develops a study where she has two groups: One
consists of high school students from rural communities. The other consists of high
school students from urban environments. They come to her lab to do her study. In the
lab she presents students with several hypothetical scenarios in which negative events
occur and participants rate how likely they think others will experience these events,
and how likely they themselves will experience these events. What type of research
design is Mariah employing here?
a. An experimental design.
b. A non-experimental design.
c. A quasi-experimental design.
d. A longitudinal design.
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