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Identify which of the following is referred to: fixed rate, varied rate, fixed interval, varied interval.
43. In the car wash, for every car I wash, the owner will give me $10.
44. Sometimes when Eduardo sells chocolates for his graduating class, his teacher gives him 10 bonus points. ____________

In Tolman's research, how were the Group D rats treated?

What was the difference between Group D, Group C, and Group N rats?
Identify, from the following, 2 of the findings in Bandura's research
a. We can learn aggressive behaviors just by looking at them.
b. Reinforcing or punishing a model increases or decreases the probability of repeating a behavior.
c. Girls and boys show aggression behaviors with the same frequency.
d. Children learn aggressive behaviors if the adult is around or on TV, but not if they see it in a cartoon.
e. Children who have been abused are more likely to act aggressively.
Identify which of the following is referred to: positive reinforcement, negative reinforcement, positive punishment, negative punishment.
42. Francisco entered the swing area without permission, so his teacher gave him a scolding. _________
41. The student who has had perfect attendance in the pre-calculus course does not have to take the final exam. _________________
Rafael left his partner three months ago, while they were sharing in an ice cream shop. This caused Rafael a lot of sadness. Rafael can no longer tolerate going to this ice-cream parlour because of the sadness it causes him, and he avoids going when his friends invite him.
He mentions, in this situation:
36. the neutral stimulus =
37. the unconditioned stimulus=
38. the conditioned stimulus=
39. the conditioned response=
40. the unconditioned response=
List two characteristics or criteria that a person who has developed a substance disorder might have:

In Pavlov's experiment, the bell, at the end of the experiment, was

In Pavlov's experiment, the bell, at the beginning of the experiment, was

Identify which of the following is referred to: generalization, spontaneous recovery, extinction, and discrimination.
32. I used to stop for coffee every morning anywhere, now I've learned that I only go to buy coffee at booth #3, because the others don't taste the same. ______________________
33. I lose the fear I used to have of riding a roller coaster. _____________________
34. A child has a painful experience at the dentist, and learns to be afraid of all dentists. __________________
35. I had lost my fear of dogs, but this dog barked at me very loudly, and I was afraid of all dogs again. ________________________
Identify which of the following are referred to: sleep apnea, Seasonal Affective Disorder, narcolepsy, night terrors, and sleep paralysis.
14. Emotional symptoms resembling depression.
15. Waking up from sleep and feeling that you cannot move, because your nervous system still does not allow the motor neurons to receive messages.
16. Suddenly fall into the REM stage when you are awake. _________________
17. Difficulty breathing in your sleep. __________________

He mentions a difference between hypnosis and meditation.

What is the difference between physiological dependence and psychological dependence? (2 pts.)

Identify, for each of the following, if they belong to the category of stimulants, depressants, narcotics, or hallucinogens:
24. morphine
21. cocaine
22. marijuana
20. methadone
25. alcohol
23. tobacco

The terms "withdrawal" and "tolerance";
26. how do they differ?
27. how are they similar?

What do REM cycles mean?

Mention 3 characteristics that distinguish the REM stage from the other sleep stages

What is the difference between the latent content and the manifest content of dreams, according to Freud? (2 pts.)

According to Hobson and McCarley, what happens during the processes of activation and synthesis?
7. activation =
8. summary =

Mention whether the following are True or False:
9. Hypnosis is used for pain relief.
10. Hypnosis is used to stop smoking.
11. Under hypnosis you can follow orders to hurt yourself or others.
12. Only some people can fall under hypnosis.
13. Hypnosis is used to help people remember events from past lives.
What is the role of ethics in cognitive psychology?
During the second stage of the cognitive theory, the following is evident
1. Do you feel you have received unconditional love? Why/why not? What conditions do you feel your parents/friends put on you?
2. What Freudian psychosexual stage do you think you might be fixated in? (Oral, anal, phallic, latent, genital) Why? Explain in detail.
3. What piece of your personality do you think rules over you? Id, ego, superego? Why? Explain in detail with examples.
4. What Erikson psychosocial stage do you think you might be struggling with? Why?
Discuss the biopsychosocial model of etiology. Show how biological factors, psychological
factors and sociocultural factors are often involved in the creation of different psychological
disorders. Illustrate your discussion with examples.
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