Psychology Answers

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Which one of the following statements about the Protestant work ethic is incorrect?

1. People should use their available time to work because work is inherently good 2. People should constantly improve their skills in order to work better 3. People should measure their worth in terms of personal achievements and wealth 4. People should not consume more than what they need to satisfy their basic needs

What are the types of psychology

Question 24

The ... theories postulate that people are motivated by their personalities, dispositions and values to work

1. cognitive-choice 2. self-regulation 3. optimal-arousal 4. need-fulfilment

Question 25

In her assignment, Sarah writes that “In the evolution of work, concepts such as qualifications, job-description, selection, training and management characterise the industrial phase.” This answer is . . .

1. correct

2. incorrect. The concepts listed characterise the information phase

3. incorrect. The industrial phase is characterised by concepts such as the flat hierarchical


4. incorrect. These concepts are part of the agricultural phase of work

Question 22

Which one of the following statements about the Protestant work ethic is incorrect?

1. People should use their available time to work because work is inherently good

2. People should constantly improve their skills in order to work better

3. People should measure their worth in terms of personal achievements and wealth

4. People should not consume more than what they need to satisfy their basic needs

Question 23

The idea that an organisation is a system within a larger system and that the people in it are dynamic systems that constitute the larger system relates to the . . .

1. naturalistic worldview

2. mechanistic work ethic

3. organismic worldview

4. industrial work ethic

Question 20

Which one of the following statements about communities is incorrect?

1. A community is more than a physical or geographical entity

2. Community members always co-operate when it comes to issues concerning the

community at large

3. There is a transactional relationship between a community and its members

4. The identity of the community is determined by its members

Question 21

The idea that human systems function like living organisms that change and evolve dynamically led to the development of the . . .

1. protestant work ethic

2. ethics of self-development

3. mechanistic ethic

4. post-industrial ethic

Question 17

The members of the Community Policing Forum (CPF) ask Mr Donald to allow them to meet in his garage. Mr Donald is not necessarily cooperative about this request as he feels that his area is invaded. Mr Donald’s behaviour reflects . . .

1. a concern for personal space

2. antisocial behaviour

3. a concern for the environment as physical space

4. group phobia



Question 18

Which one of the following statements concerning modern racism is incorrect?

1. Some people are seen as inferior to others

2. Unwittingly perpetuating negative stereotypes through highly selective perceptions of


3. Maintaining distance in interpersonal situations

4. Passively resisting support for another person by withholding normal supportive actions

Question 19

The lack of service delivery experienced by the poor communities in a society is an example of . . . violence

1. psychological 2. structural

3. interpersonal 4. domestic

Question 15

Which theoretical approach takes into consideration the effects of violence on individuals, groups, community, and at the social level?

1. Instinct or socio-biological approach

2. Frustration-aggression approach

3. Ecological approach

4. Behavioural approach

Question 16

In the class, Sheldon has a sitting spot that no one is allowed to sit on. This is an example of . . .

1. discrimination

2. psychological violence

3. territoriality

4. alienation

Question 13

During the group discussion on myUnisa, Tom states that “The fact that the self comes about through introspection means that the self is founded in language.” This statement is . . .

1. correct. Introspection is the process whereby I refer to myself as me, and being able to do this is a matter of language

2. incorrect. Introspection is the process whereby I explore my inner state of mind, and this is a matter of consciousness, not language

3. incorrect. Introspection is the process whereby I recognise myself in a mirror, and this is a matter of biological processes, not language

4. incorrect. The self is produced through a process of reflection, not introspection

Question 14

What do the concepts of privacy, territoriality, and personal space have in common?

1. They indicate a desire to be alone

2. They relate to the environment as a social system

3. They indicate people's desire to make social contact

4. They relate to authority over environmental space

Question 5

Which term refers to the manner in which the programme content is conveyed to the participants?

1. Programme method

2. Programme resources

3. Programme objective

4. Programme implementation

Questions 6

Which one of the following statements about science is incorrect?

1. Researcher’s interpretations of research findings become factual statements

2. The ideal of science is to minimise subjectivity and maximise objectivity

3. Scientific statements become factual statements if we fail to prove that they are false

4. One of the aims of science is to uncover the objective reality


Question 3

The training programme’s objective is to . . .

1. reduce negative feelings towards the training programme

2. provide information about the labour laws

3. encourage the management to monitor the employees’ performance

4. enable employees to improve their performance

Question 4

The programme . . . relates to the knowledge and skills that the participants should gain through the programme.

1. objective

2. content

3. implementation 4. method

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