Dr Strelan and Dr Semmler recently won an award for their revolutionary new
approach to helping people becoming more self-aware, which they call ‘Reality
Therapy’. When people undergo reality therapy, they read a manual entitled ‘It’s Not
Them, It’s You’. As evidence for the effectiveness of Reality Therapy, Strelan and
Semmler conducted an experiment in which participants either read the manual or not.
They then presented participants with many items, including the following: “I read a
manual titled ‘It’s Not Them, It’s You’” (yes/no) and ‘I am now much more aware that
it’s me, not them, who is responsible for my actions’ (where 1 = strongly disagree and 7
= strongly agree). The item, “I read a manual titled ‘It’s Not Them, It’s You’” (yes/no)
b. the independent variable.
c. a manipulation check.
d. a manipulation variable.
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