Negotiation aspects, based on achieving real results, should be paid special attention. Activities are focused on the content of the negotiations: the arguments, facts, views, goals, interests, main proposals, compromise proposals, concessions, and conditions. The boundaries between the tactical and the incorrect use of information are rather vague. Presenting false information usually weakens the position of a negotiator and deteriorates the relations between the parties. Interpreting and presenting information in a light favorable to one side or the other is quite a normal thing; the relationship between them is not affected in any way. Negotiation is a process of information exchange, continuing until the person starts taking clear and advantageous for both sides compromise. The exchange of information should be gradually directed to the point at which the interests and expectations of both sides gradually come to the point at which the interests and expectations of both sides gradually come to a common denominator. Only after the participants allow each other to penetrate into the occupied position, understand their reasoning style, the possible solutions to problems will be reviewed .
Thus, the correct answer is d.
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