23. An experiment is conducted in which 60 participants each fill out a personality test, but not according to the way the participants see themselves. Instead, 15 are randomly assigned to fill it out according to the way they think theur mothers see them (that is, the way they think their mothers would fill it out to describe the participants); 15 as their fathers would fill it out for them; 15 as their best friends would fill it out for them; 15 as the professors they know best would fill it out for them. The main results appear in Table 9-17. Explain these results to a person who has never had a course in statistics.
Means for Main Personality Scales for Each Experimental Condition
Scale Mother Father Friend Professor F(3, 56)
Conformity 24 21 12 16 4.21**
Extroversion 14 13 15 13 2.05
Maturity 15 15 22 19 3.11*
Self-Confidence 38 42 27 32 3.58*
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