2.1. Only the teacher should make assessment judgements on learners' performances related to topics in CAPS. (4) 2.2. Assessment may be regarded as the vehicle driving teaching and learning towards the destination. This analogy explains the role of the learners very well as they are the passengers in the vehicle while the teacher is the driver. (4) 2.3. Not all assessments occurring in school contexts are planned. (4) 2.4. Continuous assessment is one of the various assessment approaches used in teaching and learning at school. (4) 2.5. Promotion and progression of learners cannot be done without assessing learners both formatively and summatively.
Two unique components should be included in a thorough teacher evaluation and assessment system: 1) continuous, consistent formative performance evaluations with the sole objective of encouraging professional growth and improved practice; and 2) occasional summative evaluations of teacher performance with the sole purpose of determining the impact of the studies
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