Identify and explain one example of how the field of social science has changed over time
some examples to speak about can be the dark ages, the age of enlightenment
Identify and explain one example of how the field of social science has changed over time some examples to speak about can be the dark ages, the age of enlightenment
One example is the change in and research on public perception of animals that emerged in the age of the enlightenment (Chartier, 2015). These alterations encompass a steady increase in actions of sympathy towards animals and the natural world and a decrease in the anthropocentric attitudes whose aspects were the renaissance and medieval periods. People perceived animals as threatening to human survival before the age of enlightenment. After this period, however, people started to practice pet-keeping. During the age of enlightenment, there was a movement of people into urban areas, and emergent of urban middle classes, the increased movement of Europeans out of their rural homes to live in cities created a distant residence from any direct methods of consumption and exploitation of animals, removing the need for legitimizing such practices. In 1699, John Locke gave children squirrels, birds, and dogs to look after, to encourage them to develop a sense of responsibility to others and tender feelings (Chartier, 2015). During the eighteenth-century and 19th centuries, theories regarding the socialization influence of animal companions were applied in the psychologically ill. To date, most animals are considered agents of socialization.
Chartier, R. (2015). Public Sphere: Eighteenth-century History.
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