Which one of the following options does not constitute a core assumption of dependency
theory in the context of Africa? (Please consult the Matunhu article available on ‘e-
1. Structural dependency has many stages that are arranged in a linear fashion. In other
words, dependency at the macro level whereby the West exploits Africa for its cheap labour
and natural resources is replicated internally since those in urban centres exploit poor
people in rural areas, and at a more micro-level, where employers oppress workers.
2. The actual process of colonization was not merely about exploitation, but was geared
towards the repatriation of profits from Africa to the metropole in Europe.
3. In order to gain a clear and accurate understanding of the nature of dependency in Africa
(and the developing world in general), we need to analyse underdevelopment on the
continent within its own context.
4. Options 2 and 3.
5. All of the above.
Option 2
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