Discuss the motives and consequences of the recent trend in Arab-Israeli diplomatic normalisation
The main motive of the recent trend in Arab-Israeli diplomatic normalization is to bring peace and cooperation between the Arabic nations and Israel. The Gulf region in the Arabian countries is considered a place with rich resources that can boost economic growth and prosperity. The Israeli, which lacks such diversity of resources therefore developed an interest in the Gulf region to exploit the resources (Hamidi., 2020). Such diplomatic normalization, which usually begins with the signing of diplomatic peace agreements, has a major consequence of bringing lasting peace and cooperation between the two countries by trying to solve the existing conflict between the two countries and finding bilateral agreements on immigration policies and trade.
Hamidi, A. (2020). Normalization Factors of Jordan's Diplomatic Relationship with Qatar: Dynamics Analysis of Area Security and National Identity. International Journal of Science and Society, 2(4), 291-299.
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