A 5.00 m long ladder leans against a frictionless wall. The point of constant between the ladder and the wall is 4.00 m above the ground. The ladder is uniform with a mass of 15.00 kg. Determine the forces exerted by the ground and the wall on the ladder.
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06.10.17, 21:06
Dear Lanz, please use panel for submitting new questions
06.10.17, 06:30
Second Condition of Equilibrium A 5.00 m long ladder leans against a
frictionless wall. The point of constant between the ladder and the
wall is 4.00 m above the ground. The ladder is uniform with a mass of
15.00 kg. Determine the forces exerted by the ground and the wall on
the ladder.
06.10.17, 06:25
Second Condition of Quilibrium A 60.00kg painter paints a side of a
house while standing on a 6.50m long board supported by 2 poles each
1.00m from each end. if the board has a mass of 25kg, how close to the
end can the painter stand without tipping the board over?
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Dear Lanz, please use panel for submitting new questions
Second Condition of Equilibrium A 5.00 m long ladder leans against a frictionless wall. The point of constant between the ladder and the wall is 4.00 m above the ground. The ladder is uniform with a mass of 15.00 kg. Determine the forces exerted by the ground and the wall on the ladder.
Second Condition of Quilibrium A 60.00kg painter paints a side of a house while standing on a 6.50m long board supported by 2 poles each 1.00m from each end. if the board has a mass of 25kg, how close to the end can the painter stand without tipping the board over?
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