See ''Forces of the same magnitude directed to the right act on each of the carts for the same length of time.''
I thought it meant that the carts might have been rolling to the right or positioned right. When they came to a stop ''when the forces cease to act.'' I believed that they were asking, to what was the force in kg in which pushed the carts with velocity. Since the carts would have been moving right, it means that the last cart would have had a 2kg velocity push right. But that's not right at all.
Even though that's wrong I still don't understand why they say that all four carts have the same velocity, shouldn't it be they have all the same weight, and further more if the weight and velocity mean the same thing in this question, then would it matter at all if the question stated that '''Forces of the same magnitude directed to the LEFT act on each of the carts for the same length of time.? Would it change anything at all.
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