10 Which of the following is not true about diverging lens
the principal focus is positive
the principal focus is ngative
they poduce virtual images only
they form virtual, erect and smaller images of real object
11 In an experiment to determine the focal length of a convex lens, 1/u
was plotted on horizontal and 1/v
on the vertical axis, where u and v have their usual meaning. What is the physical significance of the reciprocal of the intercept on the horizontal axis?
linear magnification
focal length
object distance
image distance
12 In an experiment to determine the focal length of a convex lens, 1/u
was plotted on horizontal and 1/v
on the vertical axis, where u and v have their usual meaning. What is the physical significance of the reciprocal of the slope of the graph?
linear magnification
focal length
object distance
image distance
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