A (light) pallet has a load of cases of tomato paste each of which is a cube of length L and has identical mass. Find the center of gravity in the horizontal plane, so that the crane operator can pick up the load without tipping it. (Use the following as necessary: L, measured from the back left corner.)
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Assignment Expert
20.06.16, 20:29
Dear Hannah, you can simply use the direct formula for the center of
mass: x = (m1*x1 + m2*x2 + m3*x3)/(m1+m2+m3), where m1=5, m2=3, m3 = 2
(quantity of cubes on each cell along X) and x1=0.5*L, x2=1.5*L,
x3=2.5*L respectively. So we'll get x=1.2L
19.06.16, 21:54
ok but WHY. what is x?? why do we set 5x = to the others, we learned
center of mass was adding them all together and then dividing by total
mass. Why is it being set equal?
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Dear Hannah, you can simply use the direct formula for the center of mass: x = (m1*x1 + m2*x2 + m3*x3)/(m1+m2+m3), where m1=5, m2=3, m3 = 2 (quantity of cubes on each cell along X) and x1=0.5*L, x2=1.5*L, x3=2.5*L respectively. So we'll get x=1.2L
ok but WHY. what is x?? why do we set 5x = to the others, we learned center of mass was adding them all together and then dividing by total mass. Why is it being set equal?
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