Earth leakage circuit breakers breakers ELCBs are used to
detect loss of current due to minor earth fault
protect the circuit from nuisance tripping
protect the circuit from nuisance tripping
detect the presence of moisture in the circuit
20 An electrical appliance goes off while the source of power is on. To discover the fault in the apliance the laboratory attendant should first
call the electrical technician examine the internal circuits of the appliance, change the connecting wires, examine the plug
examine the internal circuits of the appliance
change the connecting wires
examine the plug
Expert's answer
Answeron Question Earth leakage circuit breakers ELCBs areused to detect loss of current due to minor earthfault protect the circuit from nuisance tripping protect the circuit from nuisance tripping detect the presence of moisture in thecircuit Answer:detect loss of current dueto minor earth fault.
20 An electrical appliance goes off whilethe source of power is on. To discover the fault in the appliance the laboratory attendant should first call the electrical technician examine theinternal circuits of the appliance, change the connecting wires, examine the plug examine the internal circuits of theappliance change the connecting wires examine the plug Answer:call the electrical technician examine the internal circuits of the appliance, change the connecting wires, examine the plug.
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