Answer When listening to two tuning forks at thesame frequency, you hear enhancement and cancellation of the tones. The cancellation of the tones is how the noise cancelling headphones work. They cannot cancel all the noise because of the complexity of the sounds but they can handle some of it. They start by sampling the outside noise and matching it in volume and inverting the phase of it producing a canceling effect. This works great if it were just one sine wave at one frequency. The real word sounds are complex. The headphones use a computerized sampling of the noise to produce a complex reversed phase-matched volume noise to block the outside noise. Examples of this are the Cadillac car exhaust system which samples the noise exiting the muffler and adds a reverse phase noise to cancel the noise. At a constant RPM and load, this can bevery effective. During accelerating or decelerating and load changes, the system is not very effective.
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