Two parallel straight wires 10.0 cm apart carry currents in opposite directions. Current I1 = 5.0 A is out of the page, and I2 = 7.0 A is into the page. Determine the magnitude and direction of the magnetic field halfway between the two wires.
The net magnetic field
"B=B_1+B_2=\\frac{\\mu_0 I_1}{2\\pi r_1}+\\frac{\\mu_0 I_2}{2\\pi r_2}""r_1=r_2=d\/2""B=\\frac{\\mu_0 (I_1+I_2)}{\\pi d}"
"B=\\frac{4\\pi\\times 10^{-7} (5.0+7.0)}{\\pi \\times 0.10}=4.8\\times 10^{-5}\\:\\rm T"
The field is directed upward in the plane that is perpendicular to the plane where lying the wires.
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