STUDY OF ATTENUATION AND PROPAGATION CHARACTERISTICS OF OPTICAL FIBER CABLE I . ATTENUATION IN FIBERS Aim (i) To determine the attenuation for the given optical fiber. (ii) To measure the numerical aperture and hence the acceptance angle of the given fiber cables. Apparatus Required Fiber optic light source, optic power meter and fiber cables (1m and 5m), Numerical aperture measurement JIG, optical fiber cable with source, screen. Principle The propagation of light down dielectric waveguides bears some similarity to the propagation of microwaves down metal waveguides. If a beam of power Pi is launched into one end of an optical fiber and if Pf is the power remaining after a length L km has been traversed , then the attenuation is given by, Attenuation = 10[ log (Pi/Pf)]/L dB /km Formula Attenuation = 10[ log (Pi/Pf)]/L dB /km Fig.5.1 Setup for loss measurement Fiber Cable AC Fiber Optic Light Sour
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