A stonc is thrown horizontally out to sea from the
top of a vcrtical clilf and with a specd of l0 Oms'''
The ciiflis 122 5m high. Find
(l) thc timc it takes the stone to hit the rvater;
(2) the speed of the stone ald the direction in which
it is fravclling when it hits the water;
(3) the horizontal distance fromthe bottom ofthe
clilf at which the stone hits the water'
Ifthc stone:hits.a seagull,3 seconds after it is
thrown, find
(4) its velocity when it hits the seagull;
(5) how lar the seagull was from the clilf when it
was hit;
(6) the height above the water at which the seagull
was flYrng.
(1) The time is
(2) The magnitude of speed is
(3) The range is
(5) The distance was
(4) The vertical speed and the speed of impact with the gull was
6) The height was
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