1. Explain how you can use the technological process as an approach for teaching natural
sciences and technology (NST) in the intermediate phase. (5)
2. Use suitable examples to clarify how it differs from but is closely linked to scientific
method of investigations. (5)
3. The focus of natural sciences and technology (NST) as a school subject in the
Intermediate Phase is the development of learners’ process-oriented thinking abilities /
process skills. This focus of NST requires teachers to facilitate NST learning that
encourages the development of learners’ critical thinking; decision-making, problem-
solving and design process skills.
Briefly discuss decision making and creative thinking as key educational objectives of the
technological process and scientific process. (4+4 = 8)
4. There is a close relationship between the design process and problem-solving process.
Discuss this relationship and its implication on the teaching of NST.
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