two charges +3uC and +12uC are fixed 1 m apart with the second one to the right. find the magnitude and direction of the net force on a -2-nC charge when placed at the following locations:
(a) halfway between the two
(b) half a m to the left of the +3uC charge
(c) half a m above the +12uC charge in a direction perpendicular to the line joining the two fixed charges.
(a) Let "q_1=3\\ \\mu C", "q_2=-2\\ nC" and "q_3=12\\ \\mu C".Then, we can find the net force on a −2nC charge as follows:
"F_{net}=\\dfrac{8.99\\cdot10^9\\ \\dfrac{Nm^2}{C^2}}{(0.5\\ m)^2}(|(-2\\cdot10^{-9}\\ C)\\cdot12\\cdot10^{-6}\\ C|-|3\\cdot10^{-6}\\ C\\cdot(-2\\cdot10^{-9}\\ C)|)=6.47\\cdot10^{-4}\\ N."
The sign plus means that the net force directed to the right.
(b) Let "q_1=-2\\ nC", "q_2=3\\ \\mu C" and "q_3=12\\ \\mu C".Then, we can find the net force on a −2nC charge as follows:
"F_{net}=8.99\\cdot10^9\\ \\dfrac{Nm^2}{C^2}\\cdot(\\dfrac{|(-2\\cdot10^{-9}\\ C)\\cdot3\\cdot10^{-6}\\ C|}{(0.5\\ m)^2}+\\dfrac{|(-2\\cdot10^{-9}\\ C)\\cdot12\\cdot10^{-6}\\ C|}{(1.5\\ m)^2})=3.12\\cdot10^{-4}\\ N."
The sign plus means that the net force directed to the right.
(c) Let "q_1=3\\ \\mu C", "q_2=12\\ \\mu C" and "q_3=-2\\ nC". Let's first find the "x"- and "y"-components of the electric force:
"F_{13,x}=-8.99\\cdot10^9\\ \\dfrac{Nm^2}{C^2}\\cdot\\dfrac{|3\\cdot10^{-6}\\ C\\cdot(-2\\cdot10^{-9}\\ C)|}{(\\sqrt{(1\\ m)^2+(0.5\\ m)^2})^2}\\cdot\\dfrac{0.5\\ m}{\\sqrt{(1\\ m)^2+(0.5\\ m)^2}}=-1.93\\cdot10^{-5}\\ N,"
"F_{23,x}=0\\ N,""F_{13,y}=-k\\cdot\\dfrac{|q_1q_3|}{r_{13}^2}\\cdot\\dfrac{r_{12}}{r_{13}},""F_{13,y}=-8.99\\cdot10^9\\ \\dfrac{Nm^2}{C^2}\\cdot\\dfrac{|3\\cdot10^{-6}\\ C\\cdot(-2\\cdot10^{-9}\\ C)|}{(\\sqrt{(1\\ m)^2+(0.5\\ m)^2})^2}\\cdot\\dfrac{1.0\\ m}{\\sqrt{(1\\ m)^2+(0.5\\ m)^2}}=-3.86\\cdot10^{-5}\\ N,"
"F_{23,y}=-k\\dfrac{|q_2q_3|}{r_{23}^2},""F_{23,y}=-8.99\\cdot10^9\\ \\dfrac{Nm^2}{C^2}\\cdot\\dfrac{|12\\cdot10^{-6}\\ C\\cdot(-2\\cdot10^{-9}\\ C)|}{(0.5\\ m)^2}=-8.63\\cdot10^{-4}\\ N,"
We can find the net electric force on "q_3" from the Pythagorean theorem:
We can find the direction of the net electric force from the geometry:
The net electric force on charge "q_3"directed "91.2^{\\circ}" below "x"-axis.
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