You wish to deliver 95 ml of a viscous drug (η = 22×10−4 Pa s) through a needle of length 50 mm and with an internal radius of 0.36 mm.
If a pressure difference of 66 kPa is maintained across the needle as the drug is delivered then how long will it take to deliver the 95 ml of fluid? (to 2 s.f and in s)
(Note: 1 ml = 1×10−6 m3)
The flow of the fluid can be calculated according to Poiseuille law "Q = \\frac{\\pi R^4}{8 \\eta l}\\Delta p".
Hence the time needed to deliver volume "V" of the fluid is:
"t = \\frac{V}{Q} = \\frac{8 \\eta l V}{\\pi R^4 \\Delta p} \\approx 24.01 s".
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