Design the furnace wall of the metal producing section of the plant. Present an analysis of the production of a metal of your choice (Al, Fe, Cu, Zn, Ag, Au) in a blast furnace so that the outside of the furnace is not too hot to the touch. Simplify the analysis analysing the plane conduction of heat through a wall.
A guideline of 55 degrees C can be used.
-The furnace wall needs to be made from an inner material that does not conduct heat very well (an insulator)
Have a minimum of three layers for the furnace wall (can -The outside of the furnace wall must be Stainless Steel (there are different grades of stainless steel so you will have to decide on which type.
The production of the metal that you will produce is 20 MT per month, 24 hour operation.
-The furnace is to be rated at 4.5 kW
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